Friday Nights Feedback
Please help us in improving your experience at ICCH by giving us your feedback on the Friday Night Talk you attended. Feedback will be anonymously shared ONLY with organizers.
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Which Friday Night Talk did you attend? *
Please rank your satisfaction regarding the choice of TOPIC of the Friday Night Talk you marked above
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Please rank your satisfaction regarding the CONTENT of the Friday Night Talk
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Please rank your satisfaction regarding the effectiveness of the DELIVERY of the Friday Night Talk
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What did you enjoy most?
What would you like to see done differently?
Please make recommendations for future speakers and/or topics you would like to hear about at ICCH.
Please share your name, number and email if you'd like to be contacted regarding your feedback.
I will make a donation to ICCH! In order for these wonderful programs to continue at ICCH, we need YOUR support! Please donate to ICCH Educational Programs. Any donation of any amount made at any time is always needed and appreciated! Please go to
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