2023 SBMF Press Credential Application
Thank you for your interest in covering the Soul Beach Music Festival Hosted by Aruba.

Memorial Day weekend, May 24-29, 2023

Press registration for Soul Beach Music Festival is now open. The final deadline to apply for press credentials is Friday, May 5, 2023. Walk-up requests for press credentials will not be granted. This form is for members of the media only - newspaper, online, podcast, TV or radio.

Each member of the media must apply to cover the festival by filling out the form (multiple credentials in one name will not be given). If you are a freelance journalist, you must be on assignment from a media outlet. Photographers must also be on assignment. Spec photography, portfolio photography, and personal website photography are not valid assignments.

Know Before You Go

1. Applications will be subject to review and approval. Please be sure you are approved for press credentials before coming to the events at the Soul Beach Music Festival Hosted by Aruba.

2. Press Credential Applications should be filled out as soon as possible, and no later than Friday, May 5, 2023. No Applications will be considered after this date, and walk-up requests will not be granted.

3. Applicants will be notified by email whether they are approved or declined for credentials. For any questions, please contact: sbmedia@soulbeach.net. 

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Media Outlet Name? *
Media Type? *
Magazine, TV, Radio, Newspaper, etc.
Circulation & Audience Reach?
Location? *
Outlet Website? *
First Name? *
Last Name? *
Cell Phone? *
E-mail? *
Will you be doing advanced coverage? *
Will you be doing post event coverage? *
Please provide specific / assignment details here: *
Have you covered the festival in the past? *
If yes, which years?
Provide links to your past coverage of the festival:
Please provide a link to your publication website:   *
Do you require a photo pass? *
Please note: Each Photo Pass is good for one attendee.
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