Course/Technical Elective Info
Here at HKN, we're aiming to provide the best info about technical electives/course offerings in the ECE/CS/MATH/PHYS departments for our Course Wiki. Please share your technical experience with unique technical electives! Avoid giving opinions about the instructor(s)/course content, and be as informative and neutral as possible. Describe the aspects of the course in paragraphs, and include as much information as you can.
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Course ID/Name (Cannot already be on the wiki) *
Basic info about the course (credit hours, requirements satisfied, optional/required for which majors) *
Give a brief rundown (similar to a bulleted list) of the content/topics covered in the course. *
Tell us in detail about what the course teaches. *
What subfields/areas are covered in this course? *
Prerequisites (which courses, why they are necessary, what carries over) *
When to take it *
Course Structure (grade breakdown, lecture schedule/format, exam format, projects) *
Instructor(s) + office hour info *
Course Tips *
What is the course useful/relevant for life afterwards? (future courses + industry) *
Infamous Topics Covered *
Explain the difficult topics covered in the course, why they are difficult, and how you best recommend students study them.
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