TEC Rejoice RSVP!
Date of TEC Rejoice: April 10th 2021
Location: Nativity of Our Lord Parish
               (2270 S Oneida Street, Green Bay WI 54304)
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm

The day will entail: Praise & Worship Music, TEC Alumni Fellowship, Uplifting Reflections, Lunch, Adoration, Confession, & Mass!  

Please RSVP by April 1st!
We hope you can join us for a super fun & spiritually rejuvenating day!
God Bless!
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Name *
Phone Number *
Can you attend TEC Rejoice on April 10th? *
Would you be able to bring one of the food items below to share with the group? *
Would you be interested in helping lead Praise and Worship Music? *
Thank you for filling the RSVP out! Do you have any comments and/or questions? *
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