Anonymous Survey by Malika Cox
Thank you for your help. This is an anonymous form. I am not asking for your name or email and I am not trying to sell you anything. This is only for my personal use so I can better support women who are currently walking through infertility or pregnancy loss. 

I am currently waiting on God’s promise to hold our first child. My husband and I have been married for 4.5 years and we have had 3 pregnancy losses in the last 2.5 years. I'm hoping a few women will answer some questions so I can have another perspective.

I appreciate you taking time to answer these questions for my market research. Please share as much as you feel comfortable. 

May God give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed. (Psalms 20:4)  
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What do you do for work?
What are your hobbies / favorite things to do?
Tell me about your spiritual life (share as little or as much as you like).... How long have you been a Christian? Do you feel you have a strong relationship with Jesus? How would you like to grow in your faith more?
Tell me about your fertility journey (share as little or as much as you like)....How long have you been trying to conceive? Do you have any children? If so, how many? How many are you hoping to have?
What area(s) have you been struggling with on your fertility journey? (Check all that apply)
What are the reasons you can't overcome that struggle? What is slowing you down or getting in your way?
What have you tried in the past that gives you a temporary sense of peace, love and joy over the struggle? Why do you think that hasn't worked?
What is the #1 thing you want that will give you a sense of peace, love and joy in this season of waiting (besides holding a baby)? 
Tell me why you want that...... *
If you went on Google right now, what one, two or 3-word phrases would you look up to find a solution to your struggle?
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