Grade entering in Fall 2024 (all children ages 3-5th grade are welcome, we just ask that preschoolers be potty trained): *
Your answer
Allergies/ Medical Issues/ Special Needs: *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian’s Name: *
Your answer
Address: *
Your answer
City: *
Your answer
State/ Zip: *
Your answer
Email: *
Your answer
Daytime Phone (something you will answer 8:30-11:30am): *
Your answer
Emergency Contact and a phone number: *
Your answer
THIS IS NEW: As a part of our VBS week this year, we are inviting the students to participate in the 10:30 worship service on Sunday June 30th. Will your student participate? *
I understand that by submitting this registration, I give permission for my child, named above, to attend the VBS listed above. I understand that the information I give for this registration will only be used by First Presbyterian Church. *
I give permission for the VBS staff to administer basic first aid to the child named above in the event of an injury. I understand that the VBS staff will contact emergency services in the event of a significant injury and all expenses for such emergency services will be paid by me. *
I hereby grant First Presbyterian Church permission to copyright and use photographs/videos taken at VBS of the child listed above in any manner or form for any purpose lawful at any time. I waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or written copy, that may be used in conjunction therewith, or the use to which it may be applied. *
By typing my name below, I acknowledge that I am signing this document: *
Your answer
Please select today's date to indicate when you are signing. *
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