2024 Teacher Appreciation Grant Nomination
The teacher appreciation grant will be awarded to three teachers from each school, WES, WMS, & WHS—one will receive $500, one $300, and one $100. The grant funds must be spent on classroom resources that will directly impact student needs.

Eligible Educators: An educator is eligible to receive this grant if they are a full-time Westfall Local Schools employee or Pickaway Ross off-campus teacher, and works directly with students at least 75% of the time. Principals and/or Administrators are NOT eligible to receive this grant.

How to Apply: The Teacher Appreciation Grant Application must be submitted via nomination. The Nominator must complete the application, provide a detailed response to the essay question, and identify how they know the Educator. Possible nominators include any individual that has interacted with the Educator in the past or currently; i.e. past student, parent, co-worker, community stakeholder.

The Educator nominated should possess the following qualities:

-Passion for teaching
-Understands the role of a school in a child’s life
-A strong work ethic 
-Creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom
-Warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring
-Instructs students in a format that allows the students to learn

Accepting nominations until April 26, 2024

Email *
Educator First and Last Name *
Nominator Name *
Educator's Grade (Elementary, Middle, High School) *
Educator's Subject (if applicable)
Your relationship with Educator *
Essay Question
please provide a lengthy description
How does the educator you are nominating possess the above qualities? *
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