Apply for individual How to Start a Comic coaching
This form is an application for individual coaching together with the course "How to Start a Comic" made by Henrike Dijkstra from Pencils & Stories. After reviewing your application and if I feel you are a good fit for the coaching I will reach out and schedule a 30 minute call with you so we can look at your goals. Thanks for filling out the form!
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What is your first and last name? *
What is your email address? *
Do you currently have the time to work weekly on your story and/or comic? *
Do you have a social media profile or website I could check out?
Do you have a story or an idea for a story? In a few sentences, please let me know what it's about: *
What are the issues you're running into? What do you need help with? *
What are your goals for the comic you want to make with the course and coaching? *
What would be your goals for this mentorship? *
If you were to look back a year from now, and say "The mentorship with Henrike helped me so much!" what has to have happened for you to be super excited about your progress? *
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