UTS LSS Buddy Project 2025 Senior Buddy Application Form
The Buddy Project is a UTS LSS initiative that involves first year students being paired with an older student who will help them settle into UTS Law.

As a senior buddy, your Junior Buddy can be anything from a study companion, coffee mate, or a best friend! The program is an incredible way to give back and make new connections with the new generation of UTS Law students.

The UTS LSS will be facilitating Buddy Events throughout the year. These events are a fun way for buddies in small and large groups to connect, make life-long friends and ensure your university experience is memorable!

In addition, buddies are encouraged to engage outside of Buddy Project events. For the first time, the UTS LSS will be awarding prizes for the most creative buddy hangout sessions. Stay tuned for more details!

As a Senior Buddy, you can also claim your volunteer mentor hours towards the Brennan Program for LTS hours!

Applications Close: Friday 14th of March at 6pm

Be sure to follow the UTS LSS Facebook page to hear the latest on our Buddy Project events throughout the year.

For any queries, please contact our Education Engagement Directors, Matthew Ham and Kyarah Bouchahine, at edu.engagement1@utslss.com and edu.engagement2@utslss.com.

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Full Name *
Student Number *
Student Email Address *
Are you an International Student? *
Would you be interested in buddying a Junior International Student? *
Degree *
What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of work/uni? *
Are there any specific areas where you would feel comfortable helping a junior buddy set goals, like competitions or getting involved in the LSS?
Are there any other things you'd hope to achieve with your Junior Buddy or any ideas of activities you would like to do with them?
In submitting this application, I agree, if selected to be a Junior or International Buddy in the Buddy Project, to participate in the program to the best of my ability. This includes being punctual for meet-ups, accepting the responsibility of initiating contact with my Buddy, and acting at all times in a friendly and courteous manner. I acknowledge that a failure to participate as a First-Year Buddy in the program to the satisfaction of the Vice-President (Education) of the UTS Law Students’ Society can result in my disqualification from the program.                                                                    
Please note that Buddy Project events will be photographed. If you do not want to be photographed, please let the photographer know and avoid being in photographs. However, by registering for the Program and attending the Launch you recognise that there is a risk that you will be photographed. In the event that you are in published photos, you are welcome to message the LSS for any images to be taken down.
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