Christians for Ceasefire
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The Ceasefire Campaign has included regular actions such as strategic nonviolent resistance, vigils, pilgrimages, Congress visits, mass political education, grassroots action, sing-ins, pray-ins, and multi-faith public actions.
Christian peacemakers calling on the President and U.S. Congress members, particularly Christian members to abide by Jesus' way of courageous love and urge all parties to:

  1. an immediate, sustained bilateral ceasefire

  2. demilitarization, stop sending weapons

  3. release of hostages and Palestinian prisoners held without due process

  4. robust humanitarian assistance, USG funding UNRWA, end the siege on Gaza

  5. an end to the occupation

  6. a political process for accountability and a just peace

The focus must shift to diplomacy, accountability mechanisms, robust humanitarian aid, and strategic peacebuilding.

Urgent action is needed to stop the mass slaughter and destruction and to save lives. War is trauma, not justice. 

As followers of Jesus, we are challenged to follow his active nonviolence example and be his courageous peacemakers.

War is not accountability
. Retribution is not accountability. Only with de-escalating steps and a ceasefire can we work for accountability. Only then can we mobilize credible voices who have the right leverage to create conditions for detaining those responsible for harm. Only then can we do the deeper, transformative work of accountability.

Contact: Eli McCarthy, Just Peace Fellow, Franciscan Action Network

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