Thank you for registering for the SLEEK fashion show. Registration as a model gives you access to networking with brands, runway experience, networking, magazine exposure and plenty of awesome additional perks! This fashion show will be continuous occurring bi or tri-monthly as models will be rotated.
1) Submitting your application is the first step in the process
2) All participants must be 21 years old
3) Your Instagram page will serve as your portfolio from which we will make selections
4) Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email confirming your submission. This is the only communication you will receive from us regarding your application. If we are interested in learning more about you, we will contact you. Note, you will not hear from us immediately so please be patient while your application is reviewed. We will be in touch with you if we have an interest.
5) SLEEKLA considers the safety and wellbeing of aspiring models a top priority. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, transparency, and authenticity and believe it is important to advise models about unscrupulous people who prey on their ambitions. Please be aware there are certain individuals on the Internet falsely claiming to be representatives of SLEEK. If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be a representative of SLEEK, do not respond without first verifying their identity by promptly emailing us at
6) Model understands that the SLEEK fashion show is without wages or salary.