2024 New Client Application

NLW works with successful professionals, of all ages and sizes. After working with us, our clients can easily:

1. CREATE 30+ outfits (in less than 60 seconds) for any occasion

2. INVEST strategically  in the right pieces (saving time and money long term)

3. FEEL comfortable yet look polished with finally having the perfect fit 

Our proprietary styling framework has worked for over 250+ clients around the world and we're the top rated luxury personal styling service in the US.  We offer virtual and in-person image consulting experiences. 

We're a small business and only take on a select number of clients for a season. This application will help us determine if we are the right stylist for you to get you to your goals.  I'll be in touch with the next steps.


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How did you hear about NLW? If you found us on Google, please share what you typed into Google to find us. 

(Example- "I heard about you via Google and searched for Virtual Personal Stylist.")
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