Canyon Camp Interest Form
Canyon Camp has experienced immense growth in recent years, and we want to be sure we have you at the top of our list of interested troops for next summer!  With 3 of our 5 weeks at or near capacity for last summer, we recognize some troops interested in camp may not have been able to register.  This form will allow you to ask a few questions before officially registering. This form is not binding- please feel free to fill it out even if you are at your first stages of deciding where to go camping next season.  

Thank you for your interest in Canyon Camp, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
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Email *
Troop Number: *
Council: *
District *
Estimated number of Scouts AND leaders that would attend camp *
Would your troop prefer to camp in June or July? *
Your Name: *
City: *
State: *
Phone: *
Have you attended Canyon Camp before? *
Please feel free to share any questions, comments, or preferred/hoped for week here:
Thank you for sharing your interest
This submission does not register your unit for camp.  We will contact you after your submission to discuss next steps.

Thank you again for sharing your interest, and we hope to see you at Canyon Camp in next summer!
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