NARAC Liaison Contact Update Form
If you are a member of one of the approved NARAC Groups and need to update your groups roster contacts, please use the form below. For current NARAC members, you can type "same" if your group information is current on the website.

If you are a member of a newly formed regional group, you can also use this form to apply to get your group listed on the NARAC web site.

NARAC will maintain the roster with contact information for the groups chair and an official NARAC liaison.
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NARAC Liaison Group Update Form
Regional group acronym (CARR, NEAR, ROAR, etc) *
Full name of your regional group *
Location of your members (city, states, region)
Name of the Regional groups chair/President/Founder *
Email address of the Regional groups chair/President/Founder *
Name of the Regional groups official NARAC Liaison  (can be same as the group Chair.) *
Email address of the Regional groups official NARAC Liaison (the liaison will provide NARAC updates to their regional group.) *
Please list your regional groups web site (if applicable) below. If it is current on the NARAC web site, just type "same."
Estimated membership of your regional group - total number of institutions.
Estimated membership of your regional group - total number of individual members.
Would you like to be contacted by a member of NARAC to consider set up, structure and programming for a new group?
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