






Petition: Condemning Russia over Its Invasion of Ukraine and the Danger Posed by Nuclear Contamination

10 March 2022

We strongly condemn Russia over its invasion of Ukraine and the huge risks and crisis of nuclear contamination emanating from the invasion. Nuclear energy and radioactive wastes are highly hazardous, armed conflicts at nuclear facilities would only heighten such a danger.  The seizure of the Chernobyl nuclear site by Russian troops along with military conflicts at the nuclear facilities in Ukraine have sparked global concerns over the looming danger of radioactive contamination.  Ukraine has 15 active nuclear reactors and facilities, which might then be targeted. In fact, after shelling by Russian forces, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine caught fire in the morning of 3 March 2022 and then narrowly escaped a nuclear catastrophe. This incident was splashed in headlines across the world. It will be impossible to contain the damage wrought by the leakage of radioactive materials during the war if Russia attacks any nuclear power plants.  The catastrophic impacts of such an occurrence on territories of Ukraine, adjacent European countries and Russia may far exceed those of Chernobyl and Fukushima.  

Ukraine's nuclear power plants account for 51 per cent of the country's electricity generation, the third highest in the world. It is the first time that a war has erupted in a country, relying so deeply on nuclear energy, with its nuclear power plants and the exclusion zone being deliberately turned into military targets. Whether from accidental damage or under deliberate attacks, nuclear power plants have never been designed to survive war. They, therefore, must not be subjected to aerial and artillery bombardment, which would lead to a variety of inexorable and devastating catastrophes. Incidents such as shock waves, fires, technical failures, cooling system outages, extended loss of power, and human errors linked to staff casualties or evacuation increase the probability of a nuclear disaster.  Radioactive contamination knows no nationalities or borders. Nor does it recognize the difference between us and them. If causing large-scale land contamination, an event of grave concern around the world, both the ecological system and human health will suffer lasting harm.  Nuclear contamination will impact the world for generations to come.  

In response to international sanctions imposed on Russia and assistance flowing into Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has further put the country's nuclear arsenal on high alert.  As tensions are being whipped up,  it is both dangerous and irresponsible for any party to the conflict to signal the use of nuclear weapons. It poses the gravest threat to world security.  We urge Russia and other nuclear armed powers to exercise self-restraint regarding their dangerous escalation of tensions and avoid the use of nuclear weapons, in order to avert humanitarian disasters / a nuclear winter.

The effects of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe since 1986 have been with us, and past blunders must not be repeated, nor should they reoccur as a result of the consequences of the war.

1. We call upon Russia to stop its military operations and incursions into Ukraine, cease attacks on Ukrainian nuclear power plants along with waste storage sites, and avoid all armed conflicts in proximity to nuclear power plants.
2. We condemn the great risks and crisis of nuclear contamination caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
3. We urge Russia and nuclear-armed powers to exercise self-restraint and to drop the threat of nuclear annihilation.


National Nuclear Abolition Action Platform,Taiwan

聲明發起:全國廢核行動平台 (臉書專頁:https://www.facebook.com/stopnukesnow )

Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine、社團法人台灣友善環境推廣協會、泓曄環保有限公司、台灣大學學生會永續部


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