Muslamic Makers Membership Form
Please fill in this form if you would like to join the Muslamic Makers Slack Community
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Email *
What's your name?
What do you do?
Why do you want to join the Muslamic Makers Slack Community?
Tell us a little about yourself?
We'll use this as a way to introduce you to our community
What do you need help with? What do you hope to gain from the community?
What will you like to learn?
We are looking to run more workshops example of these could be UX design, Copywriting, Analytics or Coding or anything else!
What skills can you share? Is there anything you can teach?"
Muslamic Makers is community led so if you have anything you can ever help us with then do let us know!
Social Media links?
Feel free to share your Twitter/Instagram/Linkedin and we'll be sure to connect!
What City/Town/Country do you live in?
All our events have been in London so far but we hope to do more across the country so do let us know. If you're not in the UK that's fine too.
Code of Conduct - Please accept *
I understand that Muslamic Makers is a safe and trusted space for Muslims. I understand all information posted is off-the-record unless explicitly stated by the author. (Do not forward, copy or otherwise send on messages from this group without permission). Job Postings and celebrating other people’s achievements is an exception to this rule (unless otherwise stated by the author). If you’d like to tweet or talk externally about anything discussed in the Slack, please check with those who have interacted on the thread. I understand my membership will be revoked if I break confidentiality without seeking permission. The Muslamic Makers team will not tolerate abuse of any kind and the Muslamic Makers team are not responsible for any business conducted with another community member. Keeping conversations safe and open is crucial for all Muslamic Makers members who use this space to discuss issues but also to connect. I will act in good adab and not speak ill of others within or out of the group.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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