God's Gift Reconciliation "God Calls Us Friends" (Chapter 1)
Learning Reinforcememt
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Student First Name *
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__________ is the mother of our Savior *
1 point
Everyone is born in ______________________________. *
1 point
Adam and Even chose not to obey _________________. *
1 point
The name  _______________. means "God Saves" *
1 point
Because He loves us, God gives us many gifts. *
1 point
3 People in 1 God is called the Blessed Trinity. *
1 point
A thought or feeling that can lead us to disobey God *
1 point
This is God's life in us. This gift from God that helps us to be friends with God and with others. *
1 point
The person God promised to send to free us from sin and show us how to become closer friends with God *
1 point
Being restored to friendship and peace with God and others *
1 point
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