Richter's Romance Boxes
Thank you for your interest in Richter's Romance Boxes! This is something new I'm trying out, and I'm super excited about the opportunity to share my books and all-new bookish merch designs with you in a fun and different way. You can pick and choose which books you'd like to receive in your box...or you can elect to be completely surprised and have me choose the books you get!

Here are the tiers you can choose from. All of these include priority mail shipping for U.S. customers. International customers will be charged the price difference between priority mail U.S. shipping and flat rate shipping to your country. The shipping cost will be communicated to you prior to sending the invoice. If you're not in the U.S. and your items will fit into a padded flat rate envelope, they will be shipped in the envelope rather than in a gift box to cut down on shipping costs. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery, as books will be ordered on a case-by-case basis until there is a consistent demand for them (most boxes will arrive much sooner than this, but I like to give myself a little extra time in case any items arrive damaged and need to be replaced).

πŸ’œTIER ONE - $45πŸ’œ
  • One Signed Paperback Book of Choice*
  • Standard Swag Pack
  • One Sleeved Bookmark
  • One Surprise Self-Care Item
πŸ’œTIER TWO - $65πŸ’œ
  • One Signed Paperback Book of Choice*
  • Standard Swag Pack
  • Falling in Love With Love Book Journal (100-Book Edition)
  • One Sleeved Bookmark
  • One Surprise Self-Care Item
  • One Surprise Gift
πŸ’œTIER THREE - $85πŸ’œ
  • Two Signed Paperback Books of Choice*
  • Standard Swag Pack
  • Falling in Love With Love Book Journal (100-Book Edition)
  • One Sleeved Bookmark
  • One Surprise Self-Care Item
  • One Surprise Gift
πŸ’œTIER FOUR - $125πŸ’œ
  • Three Signed Paperback Books of Choice*
  • Standard Swag Pack
  • Falling in Love With Love Book Journal (100-Book Edition)
  • Two Sleeved Bookmarks
  • Two Surprise Self-Care Items
  • Two Surprise Gifts
*Two novellas may be substituted for one full-length book. Eligible titles are Zone Defense (this is available in discreet cover only),Β Sing Noelle, Keeping Bailey, Accidental Love, Choosing Cassidy, and Mistletoe & Holly.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
PayPal Email (if different from above - if same, put SAME) *
Shipping Address (Please write EXACTLY as it would appear on the envelope - especially important if shipping overseas.) *
Please note that the self-care items and gifts will be surprises. However, if you have any allergies and/or cannot use beeswax, please let me know in the space provided below so I can accommodate you when choosing your self-care items.
Which Tier Would You Like? *
Which Book(s) Would You Like?
*indicates a novella, which may be doubled with a second novella as a substitute for a full-length novel
Are you okay with receiving NSFW items? *
If you would like your book(s) to be a surprise, please tell me if you already have any of my books, any triggers, and any tropes you don't like. Also, please tell me your favorite tropes and your favorite type of cover (discreet or model) to help me choose the book(s) I think you'll like best!
Do you want the book(s) signed to someone other than you? Or would you like them to not be personalized? Tell me here! If you don't indicate otherwise, the books WILL be personalized to the name on this order form.
Please tell me if there are any lotion/bath bomb scents you don't like, or if you have any allergies and/or cannot use beeswax. (The body butter I send as a possible self-care item and the lip balm in my standard swag pack are both made with beeswax.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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