Corporate Onboarding 
Please complete this survey, we look forward to connecting with you about your need.  Stay tuned to your email to book in an onboarding call with one of our team members. 
Email *
Please enter your full name *
What is the name of the company you are representing? *
What is your title in the company? *
a). In a few points, please describe the CEO’s vision for the company and development of its people: (For example: Is the focus on reducing stress, building improving communication, or promoting overall employee well- being?) *
b). What are the more important areas for you and your company for growth?
c). What are employees most interested in achieving or improving through the LifeLift Corporate Program? What have you tried in the past with the team that has worked/not worked? *
d). b). On a scale of 1-10, how willing do you think employees are to engage in a program focused on self-development and team growth? (1 = Low Engagement, 10 = High Engagement) *
e). What are your top employee complaints? *
f). How many hours a week can your employees realistically dedication to self-development?  *
g). Is the company willing to make room for this time commitment? *
h). Do you prefer an online or in person delivery? *
i). In your vision, what would a successful program rollout look like within your company? (For example: scheduled workshops, monthly check- ins, a blend of online and in-person activities, one on one work, check- ins after integration process for accountability etc.) *
j). On a scale of 1-10, how involved would you like team leaders to be in promoting and participating in this program? (1 = Low Engagement, 10 = High Engagement) *
Low Engagement
High Engagement
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