Teachella's I Volunteer & Advocate (TIVA)
Joining TIVA will give you the opportunity to volunteer at Teachella events and show your advocacy educators. Starting in September 2024, Teachella and our partners will be hosting monthly events with volunteer opportunities. Thank you for giving back to your community by offering your time. We will provide documentation of your volunteer hours as requested. If you love to volunteer with a group of friends, please refer them after you join TIVA for a referral perk! Email meetme@teachella.org or text Teachella at 210-245-0273 with questions.
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First and Last Name of POC *
If you represent an organization please add the name. 
Best Contact Number *
E-mail *
Have you volunteered with Teachella Foundation in the past?
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Are you signing up as an individual or a group *
Volunteer Groups
If you are signing up 2 or more volunteers, you will be the point of contact. Please list names, how many, or the name of the company providing a group of volunteers. 
Current event accepting volunteers: *
Teachella @ Rock Fest is open from 11 am to 11 pm. Staff and vendors will arrive as early as 9:30 am. Volunteers will provided Teachella T-shirts, food, water, snacks, etc. Select all that apply.
Any physical or dietary restrictions? *
Add the email you prefer to receive your TIVA emails.  *
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