In which city is your fund or company headquartered?
Your answer
Your Email
Your answer
Which type of investor are you?
(Select all that apply)
If other, please specify which?
Your answer
What is the structure of your investments?
If other, please specify which?
Your answer
What's the company or fund's thesis and theory of change?
Your answer
In which year was your company or fund established?
Your answer
Are you currently fundraising for a fund?
(If the fund has already closed its funding round, please state "closed.")
If yes, what is the fund target size in USD?
(If not applicable, put "N/A")
Your answer
If you are raising a fund, until when are you raising?
(If not applicable, please put N/A. If yes, please state for example: Q4, 2023. If it's an Evergreen fund, please state "Open Ended.")
Your answer
Until when is the fund deploying capital? *
If not applicable, please state "N/A"
How much capital have you deployed to Amazon based companies, real assets or commodities to date?
Clear selection
How much capital are you looking to deploy to the Amazon?
Clear selection
What is your target gross multiple on invested capital (MOIC) or average yield expectation?
(Please note that this answer will vary between equity and debt investors. If not applicable, please state N/A.)
Your answer
What is your target hold period for investments?
Your answer
Does your fund incorporate some form of blended finance?
If not applicable, please state "N/A"
Clear selection
If yes, can you please share details about the financial products involved? Please mention any relevant risk mitigation approaches taken, such as: insurance, first loss, philanthropy etc.
Your answer
Do you offer technical support?
Your answer
When direct investing into for-profit companies, at which stage do you typically invest?
(Select all that apply.)
What is your average check size? We realize this figure can range, so please write for example $200k - $2M USD. If not applicable, please state "N/A"
Your answer
Do you consider impact returns as part of your overall investment performance analysis?
Which SDG's do you measure impact with?
(Select all that apply)
If Other, please specify which impact metrics or KPI's you're most interested in measuring?
Your answer
What is your risk tolerance?
(Select all that apply.)
Please share any other details that are notable about your investment focus:
(E.g. "only invest in B2B models")
Your answer
Please list some of the Amazon based companies in your portfolio:
If not applicable, please state "N/A"
Your answer
How interested are you in investing in Amazon rainforest related companies?
Clear selection
What is your primary motivation for investing in the Amazon?
Your answer
What specific Amazon related industries do you invest in?
(Select all that apply.)
If you're interested in or invest in other sectors, please specify which:
Your answer
What, if anything, has precluded you from investing in the Amazon to date?
(Select all that apply.)
If other, please specify why?
Your answer
Do you have any specific Amazon regions or countries that you are focused on?
(Select all that apply.)
Are you already investing in technologies that could be applied to the protection or regeneration of the Amazon rainforest?
If yes, please list the companies. If no, please say no.
Your answer
Has your company or fund had any Amazon-relevant exits?
If yes, please list the companies. If no, please say no.
Your answer
Have you made any noteworthy connections through AIC so far?
Have you made any investments based on those connections?
Which of the following services would benefit you and your work?
(Select all that apply.)
If other, please specify which?
Your answer
Do you have any additional thoughts on how we can best support your work through our mission to increase and improve investments in forest-friendly economic development and the rule of law?
Your answer
Thank you for completing the survey! Would you be willing to have a follow-on call with us to further explore your investment criteria?