Enrollment Form
Hello! Welcome to Jet's Academy! 

This form must be completed if you want to enroll your son/daughter at Jet's Academy. One form per student. The information provided below will not be shared with anyone outside Jet's Academy. 
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Email *
First and Last Names (Guardian) *
First and Last Names (Student) *
Address *
Date of Birth (Student) *
Student's School
Telephone *
Which course are you interested in? *
Do you have any special talents (such as gymnastics,
tumbling, dancing, juggling, martial arts...) or previous experience in musical theater?
Any medical issues?
Student's mother tongue *
How confident is your child in English? (We cater to all levels) *
Not confident
Extremely confident
How did you hear about Jet's Academy? *
In filling out this enrollment form, you accept that you have been officially admitted into Jet's Academy's database and will receive any communication sent by email, regarding courses, showcases, and workshops. *
Any further comments or questions please note here.
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