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Q1) According to Dalton’s atomic theory *
1 point
Q2) Cathode rays or cathode ray particles are *
1 point
Q3) The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of the hydrogen atom is about −3.4 eV. What is the kinetic energy of the electron in this state? *
1 point
Q4) Charge on the electron was determined by *
1 point
Q5) in the Thomson Model of Atom *
1 point
Q6) Rutherford’s α–particle scattering experiment supported the discovery of *
1 point
Q7) Correct expression for mass number A is *
1 point
Q8) Isobars are the atoms with *
1 point
Q9) Isotopes are the atoms with *
1 point
Q10) Photoelectric effect established that light *
1 point
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