Fast Course - Digital Music Software Operation (Logic Pro)
Workshop Information and Registration Form 工作坊課程信息及報名表
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工作坊課程信息 Workshop Information:
Logic Pro 是多種 DAWS (Digital Audio Work Station)中最多 Mac 用戶使用的編曲軟體,是從事音樂工作必備的編曲軟體,不管是做編曲、錄音、混音、影片的音效配置都是能輕鬆達成。Logic Pro介面與使用方式也承襲了Mac的直覺設計理念,讓使用者使用時不會覺得過於困難,是非常容易上手又具備專業功能的編曲軟體。

本課程將會教授 Logic Pro的詳細使用方法, 包括以下教學內容 :

1. Logic Pro界面總覽
2. Midi樂器及其他外部樂器設備連接及設置
3. 音軌建立及聲道設置
4.強大的音樂取樣器 (sampler) + 樂器音色資源庫總覽
5. Midi樂器及外部聲音錄入
6. 編輯、整理已錄製的聲音區塊
7. 各類快捷鍵應用,增強操作感
8. Piano Roll內的音符編輯
9. 各類音準、節奏、時值校正工具
10. 各類樂器音色應用
11. 各類電子合成音色應用 (Synthesizers)
12. Login Pro 內建基礎混音插件效果器,實操及聲音優化 (compressor, EQ, reverb, limiter, noise gate and more)
13. 自動化平衡工具 Automation Tool
14. 高等mixing及mastering工具
15. 音頻導出設置及操作

課程中涵蓋編曲、錄音、混音,讓我們帶領你使用業界最新的音色庫來製作音樂並且使用 Waves 效果器來完成混音,和業界無縫接軌。



*恆常接受咨詢及報名!Constantly accept consultation and registration!

主講導師 Main Instructor:Mr. Jon Shen      
> Jazz Fusion and Neo Soul-Funk Singer, Pianist, Composer, Producer
> Band Leader, Music Director
> Contemporary Music Educator
> 2017 World Music Trophy Winner
> Master Alumni from Berklee College of Music
> Music Albums: Sole Divinity, The JX3 Federation
> Collaborated with Patrice Rushen, Siedah Garret, Chris Dave, Marc Mangen and more international well-known musicians
> Collaborated with Gin Lee 李幸倪, Candy Lo 盧巧音, Mansonvibes 張進翹, Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 and more artists in Hong Kong
工作坊課程細則 Workshops Details:

> 建議年齡:12-65歲 / Recommended age range: 12-65
> 人數:每班3-8人 / Number of people: 3-8 people for each class
> 課程形式:面授課,網絡課 / Ways of learning: Face-to-face, Online (Zoom)
> 堂數:每階段各6小時面授課+2小時的小組實踐輔導,合共8小時 (2天完成) / Duration of lessons: 6 hours of lesson + 2 hours of practical tutoring in each stage, a total of 8 hours (Complete in 2 days)
> 教學語言:英文,廣東話,國語 / Language: English, Cantonese, Mandarin
> 完成課程後將獲發證書 / Certificates will be issued upon completion
最近開班日期 Coming workshop dates:
近期課程已滿位 Recent courses are full
上課時間 Workshop Time:待定 To be confirmed
上課地點 Address:西灣河 Sai Wan Ho
Fast Course - Digital Music Software Operation (Logic Pro) 數碼音樂軟體操作速成課HK$ 2,800 (含2堂,每堂 3 小時 + 2小時小組實踐輔導,共8小時 / Including 2 three-hour lessons + 2 hours of practical tutoring, a total of 8 hours)

***早鳥優惠價 Early Bird Discount:HK$ 2,400 (*開課前半個月報名 / Register on half a month before the workshop starts)
***二人同行優惠價 Two-People Discount:HK$ 2,000 (*開課前半個月報名 / Register on half a month before the workshop starts)
查詢請傳送WhatsApp至JON Music Limited:852 6066 2438 (Miss Tse)
For any inquiry, please send WhatsApp to JON Music Limited:852 6066 2438 (Miss Tse)
或電郵至 or send Email:
或瀏覽網頁 or check our website:

報名請直接填寫下方表格 ⬇️ 提交後我們的職員將會和你聯絡
For registration of the workshop, please fill out the form below ⬇️ our officer will contact you very soon once you submit it.
姓名 / Name *
年齡 / Age *
性別 / Gender *
常用語言 / Languages *
電郵 / Email *
WhatsApp或電話號碼 / WhatsApp or Phone Number *
報名的班次 / The class you want to Register *
在哪裏收到是次課程的資訊?/ Where did you receive the information about this course? *

I clearly understand and agree to accept the details of the program, and I promise to abide by the organizer's arrangements instructions, and rules. If I violate the organizer's rules, the organizer has the right to cancel my registration or participation qualification immediately without refunding any money or compensating me.

I understand that if I am admitted, I must complete the program following the regulations and the deposit will be fully refunded (if any). I agree that if I intend to withdraw after receiving an offer, I must notify the organizer by email within 2 days after the offer letter is issued, otherwise, the related fee will not be refunded.

I understand that the information provided on the registration form will only be used to arrange the program registration and related purposes by the organizer. The organizer won’t be responsible for any leakage case of information.

I declare that all the information I provided on the registration form is true and correct. If the information is incorrect, the organizer has the right to revoke my participation qualification in the program without refunding the payment (if any), and I am also willing to bear all responsibilities caused by the false information.
謝謝你的報名, 我們的職員將會和你聯絡。 / Thank you for your registration, our officer will contact you very soon.
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