FBC Brookline - Awana 2023-2024
Pre-registration for Awana at FBC Brookline is here! We'll kick things off Wednesday, August 23rd with a Parents and Kids Kickoff and Cookout!  There will be a meal at 5:45 and water games for kids to follow.
Awana will resume on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 6:30pm.  Dinner will be served at 5:45 each Wednesday night for those who would like to join us.  Please fill out multiple forms for EACH child attending Awana. Thank you, we can't wait to see everyone on August 23th!
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Email *
Child's Name *
Child Grade *
Child's Age *
Child's Gender *
Parent's Name(s) *
Address, including city and zipcode *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact (name, relation, phone number) *
My child may be photographed/videoed during Awana and I know these pictures may be viewed on the church's Facebook page/Website. *
Allergies or Medical Conditions *
Home Church *
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