Soliciting questions for Division C/Motivation SIG symposium on motivation theory
Dear Motivation SIG and Division C Colleagues,
At AERA 2021, we are co-chairing a Motivation SIG/Division C symposium (titled "Keeping the Conversation Going: Next Steps in Theoretical Approaches to Understanding the Academic Motivation of Racially and Ethnically Diverse Students"). This symposium will serve as a “follow-up” conversation to an APA 2020 Division 15 symposium.
The symposium will occur on *April 11 from 2:30 until 4:00 pm EST*, and will focus on (a) whether various theories of motivation address and acknowledge the experiences of ethnically and racially diverse students and (b) actionable next steps for better centering the experiences of these students. The format of this discussion will be fully discussion-based, and we’re incredibly fortunate to have the following scholars serving on the panel: Drs. Jessica DeCuir-Gunby, Sandra Graham, Wendy Grolnick, Revathy Kumar, Jamaal Matthews, Tim Urdan, Ellen Usher, and Allan Wigfield.
In advance of this session, we are requesting your input! In order to ensure that we prioritize questions that are of greatest interest to audience members, we would really appreciate your input on questions that you'd like to raise with the panelists. Therefore, please provide any and all suggestions below. Please note that we ask a question about career stage below because we greatly appreciate all suggestions, but intend to amplify the questions of students and ECRs in our panel discussion.
Thanks for your time!
- Alison Koenka and Allan Wigfield