Sign Letter to Edmonds School Board and Superintendents: End Relationship with Local  Police Departments Now
This Message will be repeated in Spanish -- Este mensaje sera repetido en español.

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Dear Edmonds School Board and Superintendents McDuffy and Balderas:

We are students, parents, educators and community members who are standing against the aggressive, violent behavior of the police.  The killing of George Floyd in Minnesota and the attempt to call police power against Christian Cooper in New York are not isolated incidents, but representative of the way policing has always been used in the U.S.  The Minneapolis School Board has taken the bold and necessary step to end the district's relationship with their local police department and we should follow their lead.

We can no longer justify the regular stress and trauma placed on our Black and brown students with the daily presence of Student Resource Officers in our school buildings in the name of safety.  
In the midst of massive budget shortages when many schools do not have adequate nursing or counseling resources, it is particularly unconscionable that our district is spending our scarce funds to police our students.

We ask that you end Edmonds School District's existing relationship with all local police departments immediately and commit to funding Counselors and wrap-around services prioritizing student mental health.

En español:
Firme una carta para la Junta Escolar de Edmonds y Superintendentes: Finalice la relación con los departamentos de policía locales ahora

Estimados miembros de la Junta Escolar de Edmonds y Superintendentes McDuffy y Balderas:

Somos estudiantes, padres, educadores y miembros de la comunidad que estamos en contra del comportamiento agresivo y violento de la policía. El asesinato de George Floyd en Minnesota y el intento de llamar al poder policial contra Christian Cooper en Nueva York no son incidentes aislados, sino representativos de la forma en que la policía siempre se ha utilizado en los Estados Unidos. La Junta Escolar de Minneapolis ha dado el paso audaz y necesario para Poner fin a la relación del distrito con su departamento de policía local y debemos seguir ese ejemplo.

Ya no podemos justificar el estrés y el trauma habituales que se ejercen sobre nuestros estudiantes negros y marrones con la presencia diaria de “School Resource Officers”( se traduce a “Oficiales de recursos escolares” o policias en uniforme y armados en la escuela) en los edificios de nuestra escuela en nombre de la seguridad.

En medio de la escasez masiva de presupuesto cuando muchas escuelas no tienen recursos adecuados de enfermería o asesoramiento, es particularmente desmesurado que nuestro distrito esté gastando nuestros escasos fondos para vigilar a nuestros estudiantes.

Le pedimos que ponga un fin inmediato a la relación existente del Distrito Escolar de Edmonds con todos los departamentos de policía locales y se comprometa a financiar a los Consejeros y servicios integrales que prioricen la salud mental de los estudiantes.*Spanish translation to be provided ASAP, our apologies for the delay

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Additional Comments for the School Board - Comentarios adicionales para la Junta Escolar
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Thank you,
Jeanne Petty - Seaview Elementary Parent and EAACH Leadership Team Member
Karin Mei Butler - Madrona Parent and Local Business Owner
Alicia Crank - Community Member
Courtney Wooten - Parent and Community Organizer
Jacque Julien - Parent and Executive Director, Communities of Color Coalition
Kelsey Foster - Edmonds-Woodway Parent and Community Organizer
Heather Damron - Seaview Elementary Parent and Community Activist
Emily Pool - School Counselor
Jennifer Wallace
Maura Do - Madrona K-8 Parent
Rachel Broderhausen - Meadowdale HS parent
Dena Sutlin
Rachel Maxwell
Naomi Baltuck
Erin Zackey, Teacher, MW Parent volunteer and PCEP President
Emily Paynich, parent, para-educator
Lotus Rummler
Kelly Silvers
Amanda Palmer-Schafer, parent, community advocate
Jennifer Paterson McLaughlin
Cynthia Heckman
Sheena Sonntag
Trista Winnie Fraser
Tracy Banaszynski
Melissa Hoard Silver
Ann Jacob, Pastor of Edmonds United Methodist Church
Kara May — Edmonds Heights K-12 and Meadowdale HS Parent
Geneva Murphy
Julia Eckberg
Amy McManus
Kendra Anderson - Madrona and Terrace Park Elementary parent
Heather Reed
Jennifer Cail
Tiffany Guzman
Donna Murphy, Educator and local business owner
Adrianne Wagner- Community Member
Megan Laughtland
Kathleen Santiago
Emily Thorpe - Community Member
Megan Wolfe, Westgate Parent
Sarah Speidel - Lynndale and MMS parent
JoAnn Ortiz
Parent of an Edmonds-Woodway graduate
Nicole Ivancovich -Madrona parent and new therapist in the community.
Andrew Bloom
Vanessa Stedman - MW Parent, PCEP Leadership and Community Activist
Jeff Stone, Secondary Student Learning
Lisa Burns - Community Member
Richard Caviteno
Anne Ching
Kristen Meilicke EH K12 Parent Educator
Jessica Lemley-Carballo
Ann-Krestene Bazan - Edmonds Heights K-12 Parent
Leo Sovero
Rory Graves
Sarah William
Leo Sovero-Suleiman
Susan Kostick, community member
Anabel Hovig- Community Member
Mario Motley- Parent, community member
Alice Burr
Karissa Richards
Candace Pruett- Beverly Elementary Parent, Paraeducator and PTA Leader
Meehee Kim - teacher
Darcie Larson
Samatra Doyle-Terrace Park Parent
Amanda Kneeland, Educator and Community Member
Anthony Arpin
Kayla Ellison, Chase Lake Elementary
Dr Megan Saunders
Heather-Nicole Seybold, Hilltop Elementary parent
Katherine Hawkins, ESD Educator, Parent of HS Student
Mahogany Purpose
Emily Forman
Pamela Winters
Rachel Toftdahl
Leighanne Law
Rosa Rosario - BTM SSA
Rashanah Botley
Richard Suico, Parent and community member
Stacey Kinnear
Simone Bower  EWHS
Jeni Largent-Beverly Elementary School teacher
Gloria Hubacker
Olivia Vigrabs
Jessica Brady- Teacher and Parent
Bridget Stafford - EW Parent
Merrisa Moccia - Educator
Julia Eckberg
Don Miller, local business owner
Emily Hawkins
Rebekah Casey
Elise Peterson, Parent and Community Member
Cara Ball
Allison Groseclose
Brandon Duncan - Seaview Elementary Parent
Cat Cassidy
Amy Weaver Beverly Elementary
Jason Aillaud
Brianna Valencia
Allison Solberg, Parent & LICSW
Maria Kjosness
Yvette Sanchez
Olga Mashnitskaya, Elementary Science and STEM Lead
Sierra Johnson
Maureen Garrison, College Place Middle educator
Ashley Tiedeman
Emily Forman
Jeffrey Sterling - Edmonds Heights Alumni
Feven Asfaw
Emma Johnson - Student
April Osborne
Heather Mullins, ESD teacher
Ben Miller - lifelong community member
Joanna Ollivierre
Alsia Soiset-Scriber Parent and local business owner
Corinna Wozniak
Lisa Gates, M.Ed
Emma Johnson - Student
LeAnne Zaire
Michele Hamilton, Elementary Office Manager
Anyssa Mahmoud
Natalya Czosnyka
Angie Doulas
Nävouny D. Swanson - Edmonds Woodway HS Student
Heather McKimmie
Audrey Tanberg
Samantha Tarvin
Hanna Cowan
Marjorie James, Tulalip Educator and Citizen
Widad Gaddah
Martha- Meadowdale highschool
Melissa Petersen, MA, CCC-SLP, NBCT
Any Ortiz
Jennifer Widrig-Hodges, Teacher and Parent
Nicole Harreld, Edmonds School District Educator
Sharon Kriskovich--Ethnic Studies teacher @ LHS
Rick McKenna
Scott Petty
Jaclyn D'Alessandro
Maria Thompson
Laura Johnson- Edmonds Heights Parent
Julie Hornung
Michelle Dinh, Former Student, Community Member, and UW College of Education Grad Student
Jill Perander
Lizzy Stafford - Educator & Community Member
Thom Garrard, Hilltop Teacher Librarian
Erin Schomburg - Teacher and Parent
Kristin D. Haverlock, parent of EWHS and CPM students
Christine Mitchell, parent at Maplewood and MTHS
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