Committee Interest Application Form
Get Involved - Join an Aesthetic Society Committee!
The Aesthetic Society has numerous leadership opportunities for Active Members and Candidates interested in the activities listed below. The Society wants to involve members who wish to become front-runners in facing future challenges for the Specialty throughout the upcoming years.
Why should you join an Aesthetic Society Committee?
♦ Opportunity to have input and direction for the future of the Specialty
♦ Build a foundation for advanced leadership
♦ Test and expand your leadership skills
♦ Strengthen your ties with other members of The Aesthetic Society
What The Aesthetic Society expects of you as a Committee member:
♦ Participate on scheduled conference calls and attend committee meetings
♦ Complete the tasks/projects for which you volunteer to do for the committee
♦ Show your support by attending the programs in which your committee is involved
Committee members are selected each year prior to the annual meeting. The final selection of appointed committee members is determined by the incoming President with the help of each Committee Chair, always attempting to match interests, expertise, and special qualifications.