Letter to the editor: In Solidarity with Healthcare workers in Palestine
Thank you and an update:.  

In the space of 24 hours on 20/05/2021 over 1500 of you signed this letter of solidarity below - you range from everyday healthcare workers to prominent professors and others. We have listed as many signatories as possible at the end of the letter - we've left you in the order of signing - because the courage that each of you has mustered to speak out is equally valuable - thank you.

Your letter was circulated amongst Palestinian colleagues - here is just one response:

"Despite knowing all these facts and more - even living in the occupied land - reading it breaks my heart!  A much appreciated effort. Hope it brings some changes!"

We submitted your letter to The Guardian, The Independent and the BMJ rapid response section - all of them singularly failed to respond and publish. The email addresses of the editors are as below if you wish to contact them directly. The letter has now been published by the Middle East Monitor with all it's signatories, and can be referenced here: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210521-healthcare-workers-slam-israels-deliberate-dehumanisation-of-palestinians/.

More detailed information about the healthcare situation in Palestine is available here: https://www.bmj.com/content/362/bmj.k3299/rr-2

We shift our focus now to the longer work of calling for the occupation and systematic discrimination against the Palestinian people to end.

Your small act of witnessing is the seed which lies at the root of every single change.

With respect,
Perviz Asaria, Nida Yasin Suri, Swee Ang, Ayaan Farah and many, many more

Email the editors:
The Guardian: Katharine.Viner@theguardian.com
The Independent: Chloe.Hubbard@indpendent.co.uk
The BMJ: FGodlee@bmj.com


Dear Sir/Madam,

As healthcare workers, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people as they are confronted by the destruction of their homes and evaporation of their hopes. In the face of the international community’s silence, we condemn Israel’s deliberate dehumanisation and dispossession of the Palestinian people.

Our colleagues have been killed and high precision weaponry has been used to target healthcare facilities. Dr Ayman Abu Al-Auf head of internal medicine and Dr Moein Ahmad Abu-Al Aloul head of neurology at Gaza’s main hospital, Al-Shifa have been killed in the same bombing raid.  Al-Shifa is the only facility capable of high level emergency care in Gaza, and had each of its access roads bombed so no ambulance can reach it. At least six other hospitals have been targeted.

None of this is new, Gaza has been strangled by an Israeli blockade since 2006. The third most densely populated area on earth, home to over 2 million people, has already suffered devastating assaults in 2014 and 2018. In the words of the UN Secretary General, “the closure of Gaza suffocates its people, stifles its economy and impedes reconstruction efforts. It is collective punishment.” Faced with the current round of violence, there is nowhere for Gazans to flee to.

Occupation not only dehumanises the victim, it also brutalises the occupier. We see this in the trauma of the young recruits to the Israeli army, who have been damaged by a policy of enforced racism which in turn is eating away at Israeli society.

We urge our colleagues not to self-censor on these issues but to speak out. We cannot rely on the international community to effect a change. We must stand together and advocate for it.

To the people of Palestine we say: we see you. You are not forgotten. You are not erased.


Dr Perviz Asaria, Cardiologist, London
Dr Nida Yasin Suri, Emergency Physician, London
Dr Swee Ang, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sabra Shatilla, Gaza & UK
Dr Ayaan Farah, Medical Registrar, London

The full list of signatories who gave their names is as below:

Hina Shahid, GP, London
Dr Ruchma Marton, President and Founder, PHR-I, Tel Aviv
Dr. Muhammad Asaria, Emergency Medicine Consultant, UK
Dr Afrosa Ahmed, G.P & Mindfulness Coach, London
Dr Dena Ettehad, Junior Doctor, London
Dr Bilal Abou El Ela Bourquin, Junior Doctor, Cambridge
Dr. Adil Ahmad, General Surgery Registrar, Birmingham, UK
Dr. Abdulrahman El-Hilly, Surgical Trainee, London
Iain Chalmers, retired health services researcher, Oxford
Dr Tom Gilberthorpe, Consultant Psychiatrist, Sheffield, UK
Dr Philip Thomas, retired consultant psychiatrist, Salford
Prof Jon Jureidini, Research Leader Critical and Ethnical Mental Health, Adelaide
Bushra Yousuf, GP, Bromley
Lucie Berthoud GP Sheffield
Trixie Yap, CT1 Doctor, London
Mohammad Farwana, Surgical Trainee, London
Chris Blacktop, Registered Mental Health Nurse, london
Hany Zayed, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, London
Dr Heather Macpherson, junior doctor, London
Jamila Sherif, GP, London
Majdoulene kerish, Jerusalem
Faheem Malik, Doctor, Oxford
Gene Feder, Professor of primary care, Bristol
Khalika Hasrat, doctor, London
Dr Luke Baxter, junior doctor, London
Saania Bhatti, GP, London
Tanya Haj-Hassan, Paediatrician, Philadelphia
Issy Marks, Doctor, London
Rumman Ahmed, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, London
Shona Chan, doctor, Belfast UK
Kamran Baig , Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, London
Kamilia El-Farra, consultant gynaecologist, Essex
Shairbanu Zinna, Pediatrician, Los Angeles
Zahraa Sawafta, Dentist, Norwich.
Coral Jones, GP, London
Misbah Ali, GP, Amersham, Buckinghamshire
Nausheen Khan, Civil Servant, London
Jane Edge GP Bristol
Dr Tara Stewart, GP, Zürich
Dr Faheem Chothia, GP Trainee, Warwick
Mosleh Raddadi
Dr Aaminah Verity, GP, London
Komal Bhabra, Dentist, London
Abdullatif Aydin, Surgical Trainee, London
Saadia Noreldeen Harlow consultant O&G
Ibtihaal Hussain, Dentist, London
Mohamed Abdelhalim, Vascular Surgery Registrar, London
Kirran Rasul Consultant Manchester
Dr Amedine Duret, London
Dr Nailah Nisar MBChB MRCGP DRCOG General Practitioner
Hamad Alsuhaibani, Interventional Radiologist, Riyadh
Shadi Basyuni, Surgeon, Cambridge
Rakay khan, Anaesthetic trainee, London
Steve Thompson Paramedic Coventry
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek, Psychiatrist, London
Ahmad Nasser, GP, Derby
Rebecca knights, Radiographer, London
Azra Khan, GP, London
Dr Sakina Rumani, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Trainee, Birmingham
Mohamed Mohamed, Cardiology Registrar, Birmingham
Dr Michel Alhilani, FY2 doctor, London
Joseph El- Jabbour
Mohamed Elnemr, Registrar, London
Dr Kate Robson, GP registrar, Bristol
Asif Patel, student, Cambridge
Dr Eric Windgassen, Consultant Psychiatrist (retired), Manchester
Shajeel Khan, ED Consultant, London
Sukaina Hirji, GP, Hertfordshire
Dr Kumail Versi, Paediatrician, London
Shereen Al-Khabouri GP Newcastle
Ali Syed - Healthcare Specialist
Bob Baigrie, surgeon, Cape Town
Natasha Valiallah, GP Registrar, London
Ms. Ann McCormack,orthopaedic registrar, East Sussex.
Bakir Al-Dulaimy, Junior Doctor, Kent
Mohammed Bakir, Doctor, London
Dr Osman Dar, Consultant Public Health Medicine, London
Richard Harrington, general practitioner, Thame UK
Sepideh Shahidi, dentist, London
Dr Muhammad Bahrin, Medical Registrar, Boston
Ms Kanza Ahmed, Consultant in Global Public Health, London
Aisha Bachelani
Mohammed Wargui, Principal Consultant, Didcot
Mina Al Shalchi, Radiology Registrar, London
Farhana Jagani, Pharmacist, South London
Dr Rebecca Inglis, Intensive Care, London
Elizabeth Morley, Aberystwyth
Dr A Majid Katme, Retired Psychiatrist , UK
Dr Riffat Majeed, GP,Watford
Mohamed Bhamani, GP, Bradford
Dr Nadia Khalid, GP, London
Dr Zahida Ahmad, General Practitioner, London
Arif Khokhar, Cardiology, Italy
Athar Fatemi, banker, London
Shafi Balal, medical surgeon, London
Mahid Choudhury, FY2, Manchester
Hassaan Waqar, Junior Doctor, Birmingham
Sarah Zaher, Consultant Ophthalmologist, London
Lamiz Fayker, Doctor. London,UK.
Dr Fatemeh Geranmayeh , Neurologist, London
Dr Afsheen Khaku GP London
Haseena Oomar, Analytic Consultant, London
Kimia Godazandeh, UCL Medical Student, London
Rory Malik Chambers, Dentist, Chesterfield
Dr.Shrouq Zaidan, Dentist, Doha- Qatar
Mohammed Hatata, Clinical Oncology Fellow, Wrexham
Maria Ahmad, medical student, Birmingham
Dr Omar Al-Qubaisy, Family physician, Doha
Loay Rahman, Doctor, London
Engel Mthunzi, CT1 general surgery, London
Ilhaam Abud . General Practitioner. Doha
Jameela Ahmad, beautician London
Alex Salva Macallan
Dr Fatema Mamdani, GP, London
Frances Ridgway, speech therapist, London
Mohammad Sarwar, Surgical Trainee, Bradford
Dr Robina Mohammad Gp locum, Maidstone
Yusra Mahmood, GP, London
Dr Shahan Nizar
Ahsan Khan, Cardiology Registrar, Birmingham
Sabeen , NHS doctor, London
Zainab Bagha, medical doctor, mombasa
Oyinade adeshina medical student newcastle
Dr rana tawil family medicine consultant qatar
Saif Khan, Network Engineer, London
Reem khamis
Zoe Kelly, Medical Student, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Dr Laila Caunhye, GP, East Midlands
Dr Tasawur Hussain, GP, Birmingham
Sarah Jawad, Infectious Diseases Registrar, London UK
Phoebe Lyons, Medical Student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Rehan Ahmad, Accountant, Birmingham
Abdul Ravalia Consultant Anaesthetist London
Tay Munir GP London
Rahma Yunus, Pharmacist, Nairobi.
Rabeia Javid, Cardiology Registrar, Leeds
Siddiqa Ibrahim, Medical student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Hisham Newashi, Helath promotion manager, Mosul
Sufyan baradia medical doctor Nairobi
Wasim Akhtar
Dr Aisha Mohamed, Nairobi
Dr. Saade Abdallah, Public health, Mombasa
Hibba Quhill, Ophthalmologist, London
Dr Chibanzi Mwachonda, Medical Practitioner, Nairobi
Daanish Kanji GP Manchester
Dr Myra Malik, Anaesthetist, London
Safwaan patel, FY1 doctor, Birmingham
Naheed Azhar
Dr Mahmuda Rahman GP Registrar London
Besma Musaddaq, Radiologist, London
Andrew Thompson, Retired, Birmingham
Dr Zack Hassan, Clinical Fellow, Edinburgh
Nadia Hassan, Clinical Research Practitioner, London
Samira Ezzati, Dentist
Fahmida khan, Scientific Lead NIHR & PhD Candidate University of Cambridge
Sophia Ali, clinical Officer, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Jon Shaffer , Retired Consultant Physician , Manchester
Rayhan Chaudhry, Foundation Doctor, London
Tarak Chouari, General Surgery, London
Moin Saleem, Professor of medicine, Bristol
Dr. Summer Elshenawy, Neonatologist, Atlanta
Cassi Perry, Psychotherapist & RN, Oxford/ Banbury
Dr Shahid Merali, Clinical Senior Lecturer - Lead for Primary Care Education - Aston Medical School, Principal General Practitioner, Birmingham UK
Souhad Yousef, Cardiology fellow, London, UK
Dr Fatima Ismailjee, General Practitioner, London
Narmeen Taha, Consultant, London
Benjamin Massariol, HR Manager, Mosul
Sameen Nassar, medical student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Yasmeen Oomar, retired, durban
Aisha Islam, PhD Student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Myriam Nicolet, Psychologist, Switzerland
Mustaf Haji, Public Health Professional, Leeds UK
Rasheeda Al-Ameri Physician. Doha
Muna Omar, Doctor, Mombasa
Zaynab Al-Lami
Mr Nashat Siddiqui, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Shireen Hilmi, dentist, London
Ruhiya Amin, Berkshire
Ammar Siddique, L&G trader, Doha
Khalid Hussain, Consultant Radiologist, Birmingham
Najib Rahman, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Oxford
Azhar Malik doctor London
Dr. Sheraz Hassan
Fasiha Khan, Solicitor, London
Saba Bokhari, Doctor, Greater Manchester
Manal, Clinical fellow paediatric surgery, London
Birame faye
Lyn Prendergast
Raidah Haider, GP registrar, Solihull
Dr Ahmad Abou-Saleh, Consultant Diabetologist, Newcastle
Tahera Dewji clinical practionet - Milton Keynes
Ahmed Abidia, Consultant Surgeon, Essex
Farah Ashraf, london
Yasmeen Anwar, NHS Doctor, Oxford
Nighat Hasnain
Dr Siddiq Pulakal, Consultant, Manchester
Tania Rufai doctor
Esther Gitahi, pharmacist, Nairobi
Omar Abdel-Mannan, paediatric neurology registrar, London
Dr.Rukia M. Aden. Paediatrician. Nairobi.
Dr Qaiser Malik Clinical Director Consultant Radiologist, Essex
Dr Shairana Naleem, Occupational Medicine Doctor, London
Dr Rohail Malik, General Practitioner, Sandhurst
Professor Shafi Ahmed
Dr Jacinder Chahal, Surgical Trainee, London
Ahmad Hammad Hassan, JCF Acute Medicine, Addenbrooke's, Cambridge.
Dr Harriffudin Juli, Emergency Medicine trainee, Derby
Dr Ammara Choudry GP Berkshire
Professor Shafi Ahmed
Imran Khan, doctor, Leicester
Zainab Sawafta, doctor, Cambridge
Emma Runswick, Doctor, Greater Manchester
Dr Ammara malik london
Paola Manduca
Asad Khan, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Manchester
Fizzah Choudry, Consultant Cardiologist, London
Tahir Mahmud, Doctor, Manchester
Rashid Amir, Radiologist, Birmingham
Shahid Rasul, consultant Radiologist, Ayrshire and Arran
Alexis Iliadis, Trauma & Orthopaedics Consultant, London
Huda Alghafagi, Advanced Clinical Practitioner, London
Alison Scouller Retired Midwife Cardiff
Saffi Ahmad, GP Registrar, London
Naveed Shaikh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, London.
Dr Adeel Syed, Consultant Radiologist, London
Zainab Halane pharmacist london
Prisila Ahmed, Doctor, London
Dr Nick Haslam
Dr Sharifah Z S A Jalil, Consultant O&G, Bangor
Dr Afifa Alihassan, Junior Doctor, London
Deborah Harrington, consultant obstetrician,Oxford
Ali Nakash,doctor.London /UK
Kadar Abdulsalam Pharmacist, Liverpool
Yahya Abu-Seido, Doctor, Wrexham
Ismahan Ciftci Neonatal Nurse, Nursing Activity Manager, Switzerland
Dr Adnan Jasim, ED consultant, University Hospital of Derby and Burton
Omar Ahmed, Anaesthetic trainee, Birmingham
Ahmad Nasir, CT2 - T&O, London
Samina Bibi, Pharmacist, Manchester
Burhan Rashid- retired doctor- Kirkuk
Brenda Kelly, Consultant Obstetrician, Oxford
Sophia Naz, Consultant Rheumatologist, Manchester.
Dr Ayshea Hameeduddin, Consultant Radiologist, London
Abdul Munshi, Consultant Radiologist & Interventional Radiology, London
Manoj Ramachandran, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Munazzah zaidi ,doctor ,Islamabad
Dr. Syed Babar , Doctor , London
Tahira Zubair, clinical Pharmacist, London
Tharanika Ahillan, Medical student, UCL
Dr Maryam Ahmad, GP registrar, London
Mr Riyadh Almasharqa
Saqib Ali, Dentist, London
Rahit Jamil Pharmacist London
Wajiha Munir, Scientist, Manchester
Sabahat Ather, Radiologist, Saudi Arabia
ali zaman, doctor, london
N Rasheed - Radiologist- London
Diane, Rosier, Admin, Mosul
Samee Ahmad. GP. London.
Farhia Affi,Dr,kenya.
Dr Hannah Kingwell, Junior Doctor, Wrexham
Ali Noorani, Doctor, London
Dr A Khokhar cardiologist. Essex
Bethan Parry, Doctor, Wrexham
Aisha Kadernani
Rola shamlak .physiotherapist. London Uk
Dr Sharifah Z S A Jalil, Consultant O&G, Bangor
Tariq Hussain, GP, Birmingham
Dr Samir Naseef , GP Manchester
Shameen Dow doctor Cheshire
cyrine salameh
Dr Asif Saifuddin Consultant Radiologist. London
Dr Syed Naqvi
Dr Alexia Farrugia, Radiologist, Essex
Dr Muhammad Hanif, Consultant Radiologist, Chelmsford
Sarah Khan, Pharmacist, Oldham
Dr Iftikhar Mahmood, physician, London, United kingdon
Kim Ang, Lecturer, Singapore
Zafar Mahmood, HR Advisor, London
Hashim Adnan-Khan, Medical Student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Nahed Chalabi, Ophthamic Nurse, London
Homa Arshad Orthopaedic Consultant, London
Dr Bulale Ali GP trainee (St3)
Dr S Ahmed, Consultant Radiologist, London
Sayed Azher Hussein / RNOH Employee London
Khawaja Shahabuddin, Consultant Radiologist, London
Sana Ullah Chester
Raad Tohala — Doctor - Mosul-Iraq .
Asal Al Samarrai surgeon cardiff
Nahed.chalabi, Ophthalmic Nurse, London
Hemesh Jariwala 560 Chorley New Road Bolton
Taleb Jeddy, consultant surgeon. Chelmsford UK
Muhammad Rahim Khan, Respiratory Consultant, Wakefield
Hiba Sher Khan
Halima shahid, teacher, London
Muhammad Rahim Khan, Respiratory Consultant, Wakefield
Munther Aldoori
Shokri Othman, nurse, London
Noor khan
Badar Ul Haq, Doctor, Riyadh
Dr Ahmed Shah, Consultant Radiologist, Windsor UK
Asad Bokhari- Doctor Manchester
Mr Mohammad Hawari, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Nottingham
Mohsin Iftikhar
Amy Li, Medical student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Ghassan Alami, Orthopedic Surgeon, Amman
Zaigham Mahmood/Dr
Ibtihaj Al Aloosi
Dr wajid hassan Consultant physician Qatar
Claudia Maizen, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, London
Mohammed Sajid, Doctor, Birmingham
Mateen Arastu trauma surgeon coventry
Mohamed Helal, Urologist, London
Ghizal fatima, Assistant professor, lucknow india
Dr Mustafa Ali, Ophthalmology Registrar, Birmingham
Dr Layan Akijian, Neurologist, Amman
Dr Nailah Nisar MBChB MRCGP DRCOG General Practitioner
Hifz Aniq, doctor, Liverpool
Salma Khan, Pharmacist, London
Dr Taroub Khoury
Sana Aniq, Doctor, Liverpool
Salma Hasanin , United Kingdom , Basildon
Dr George Akijian, consultant internal medicine, Amman
Layal El Asir, Consultant Oncoplastic surgeon, Amman-Jordan
Kashfa Hussain, Radiologist, Jeddah
Zakareya Habbal. Consultant surgeon, Erbil
Adil Alkufaishi Sheffield, retired
Sarah McMahon, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Lina Hussain healthcare assistant London
Ali, Noorani, Doctor, London
Khadija Warfa, Gynecologist, Nairobi
Mohammad Atiqullah, Emergency Doctor, Al Bahah
Uzayr Akudi, Junior Doctor, Batley
Sara AlSaqqa
Khwaja khan Consultant Radiologist Bolton
Farkhanda Ahmed doctor Albaha
Mehrunissa Noorani, Gynaecologist,Karachi Pakistan
Magde Albarade, Anaesthetic, Birmingham
Iman Almabhooh
Kiran Rahim, Paediatric Registrar London
Melissa Tang, Neurologist, Melbourne, Australia
Rehan Zaidi, London
Dr Beenish Hanif
Salman Waqar, GP, Buckinghamshire
Rawya Charif , Doctor, London
Dr. Zakiuddin Mohammed, Speciality Doctor, London
Muhammad Khan, Psychiatrist, Leeds
Umar Memon, IT professional, Adelaide
Ruby Gad, GP Registrar, London
Dr Katherine Harris, Paediatric Clinical Fellow, Cardiff
Samar Al-Rawi, consultant anaesthetist, Southampton
Lenka Cervenova, doctor, Slovakia
Anish Patel, Pharmacist, London
Hamza Elgendy, Radiology Trainee, Leicester
Dr Muhammad Imran butt, Lahore Pakistan
Kimberlin Andrade, pharmacist, new Malden
Dr Ikhlaq Rana
Dr Shiba Hameed, United Kingdom.
Irene Faiman, Assistant Psychologist, London
khoo, medical doctor, London
Sadaf Raza, Cardiology Registrar, Manchester
Dr Shazad Khan Malik, GDP, London
Christina khoo , singapore
Javid Atcha. Local government Officer, Bolton
Nazmeen Bibi, Midwife, Birmingham
Aurangzeb Aurakzai, Plastic Surgeon, London ,
Ali Bilal , cardiologist , England
Adel Ahmed
Dr M T Haider
Dr Earim Chaudry, Medical Director, London
Duha Shellah, Medical Student, Nablus, Palestine
Dr Najib Seedat, General practitioner , London
Dr.Fatima Moinuddin
Karim Kalaf, Director, London
Dr Mahwish Farzana, radiologist, Lahore
Mohamed Helal, Urologist, London
Ahmad dowedar
Caitriona Dynan
Zeenat Goburdhun
Dr Sunna Aslam, GP, Manchester
Dr Usman Mohammed, GP, Manchester
Nima Heidari, Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Habib Mujahid. General Physician. Hafar al batin. KSA
Dr Hiba Sher Khan, Doctor, London
Carol Hage London
Fathima Shyma Fazal General Practitioner Bromsgrove
Sarah Russell, Executive Assistant, London
Tariq Hussain, GP, Birmingham
Shaida Zaman, Solihull West Midlands, staff nurse
Fateha Begum, House wife, London
Shaheda Khanom teacher, London
Dr Khalid S Khan, Consultant Psychiatrist , Birmingham
Dr Emer Kilbride, infectious diseases doctor, London
Sadaf Zia. House wife . Sargodha. Pakistan
Sumaiya Qamar . student ... Rawalpindi
Dr. Jamila Headley, MSc PhD, Chief of Staff/Public Health Expert, San Juan, Puerto Rico
aoife fitzgerald, doctor, oxford
Sami, Timimi, Consultant Psychiatrist, Lincoln, UK
Dr Bushra Abdelqader, Core surgical trainee, Northampton
Qamar Majeed, Radiographer, LAHORE Pakistan
Asad Aldoori retired Beaworthy
Dr Maryiam yasin doctor London
C.Adada,Registered Nurse,London
Ikrah amjad, medical student, Newcastle
Dr Dalia Sayed, Emergency Medical Registrar, London
Christine Ladyman, retired R.N., Norfolk, UK.
Dr Uzma Asif, University professor, Jeddah KSA
Dr noman mutloob
Jason Barton, Foundation Trainee, Wrexham
Dr Usman Buhari, GP Essex
Dr Khalid Al-Kufaishi, Dentist, Sheffield
Mary Kelly, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Gloucester
Junaid Karim Great Yarmouth
Abdulla Jawed, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Hereford
Dr nasra adan,paediatrician
Bahaa Madi,consultant Physician,Barnsley
Jennifer Cohn, Infectious Disease physician, Geneva
Ammarah Dabhad. Pharmacist. Wolverhampton.
Nidal Abdul aziz prof.in anastasia from the Royal college of aneasthesit Sweden
Mohammad Alassaf, Surgeon, Amman, Jordan
Dr Mohammed Omer Anwar, GPST2 Doctor, Slough.
Mona Yekezare, Dentist, London
Neha Lalani, Dentist, Worthing
Søren Kudsk-Iversen, Anaesthetic Registrar, Oxford
Nik Khairul Husain, Consultant Anaesthetist, Surrey
Fatima Loonat
Nadeem Tehami, Hospital Dr, Southampton
Dr R Nadeem Ahmed , Consultant Anaesthesia and Intensive care ,London
Ahmed Elbeleehy, Anaesthetist, Leicester
Dr Naseer Haboubi, Consultant Rehabilitation Medicine, Nottingham
Prof Colin Green, Medical Education, London
Dr Z Bachelani, GP, London
Shereen Khalk, Doctor, Suffolk
Joseph O' Neill, retired NHS doctor, Wales
DR Jameel Atiea, retired physician, sutton coldfied
Dr a Anwar consultant gynaecologist, UK
Lin el-jishi, dentist, bristol
Nicholas chua, doctor, london
Hannan Imran, Dentist, London
Reem Farwana, Doctor, London
Yasmin Jaffer, Slough
Dr Farzana Begum, anaesthetics trainee, UCLH london
Ayaan Baloch, Risk Management, London
Liz Wyatt, Emergency Doctor. Tasmania, Australia.
Matt Evans, Nurse, Nottingham
Dr. William Yip, Consultant Paediatrician, Singapore
Ahsan Bhatti, ophthalmology registrar, Swansea
Rashid Ahmed, Teacher, Pretoria
Ouafa Choufani
Ramzi Tabbalat, Cardiologist, Amman/Jordan
Nassera Banu, retired consultant Bodelwyddan, North Wales
Abdul Badi Abou-Samra, Chief Quality Officer, Doha
Natasha Valiallah, GP Registrar, London
Jomana Madieh, F2 doctor, London
Mohammad Salim, Orthopaedic surgeon, Stockton-on-Tees
Nadeem anwar psychiatrist sydney
Sadiya Malik , pharmacist, London
Mohamed Emara , Gp , Stoke on Trent, UK
Rahaf Elgonaid, GP, Reading
Mohammed Hamdan, General surgeon, Reading
Zubair Mohamed, Doctor, Kochi
melody shirazi dentist london
Dr James Mawdsley, Junior Doctor, London
Nadin Jallad, Doctor, Leicester
Dr Rathi Guhadasan, Paediatrician, Laos
Salma Khan, Doctor, Margate
Dr Sameer Momin GP Melbourne
Ferdous Abdeen
Aladdin Alhussaini, psychiatrist, Oman
Muhammad Shaikh, Dr, Bedford.
Rand al-hindawi, pharmacist, London
Maryam Zaman, Dentist, Birmingham
Lubna Hamid, Self employed, Birmingham
Shahbaz Ahmed, Hospital doctor, Dartford
Fatima Zahra Denideni, Pharmacist, London
Dr Shazeea Mohamed Ali, Consultant Geriatrician, Melbourne, Australia
Adam Bailey, Gastroenterologist, Oxford
Dr Lauren Bailey, Geriatrician, Oxford
Aneesa Qamar. Birmingham UK.. social worker
Dr Reham Jusub, General Practioner, Manchester
Asma’a al-hindawi, pharmacist, London
Dr Sana Osman, Anaesthetic Registrar, London
Saima ahsan, paediatrician, Londo
Dr Amjad Mahmood London
Khalid Mohamedfaris, Orthopaedics SHO, London
Umreen ahmed, pharmacist, London
Mohammad Ayubi , doctor, melbourne
Carolyn Baigrie
Shazia aslam
Muhaned Al-Hindawi, Pharmacist, london
Dr Hassan Elhassan, Consultant Radiologist, London, UK
Carolyn Baigrie Histopathologist Cape Town
Perween Khan BCC SCP
Amira, tax manager, Berkshire
Florent Planché, Director of Administration, Luang Prabang
Dr Rasheedah Bankole , consultant psychiatrist , manchester
Rubina Aniq GP Liverpool
Dr Robina Omar , GP , Manchester
Kezia Spence, Gynecologist, New York
Arif Bashir Lecturer Bolton
Liesl Jobson, Writer, Cape Town
Shahd Mobarak, Doctor, Manchester
Dr Babur Yusufi, Rotherham
Dr Saima Khan GP South Yorkshire
Rida Serroukh, Test Engineer, London
Violet Asfour, Gaza, jordan
Sarah Cutting, Registered Nurse, Darwin
Tasnia Khan, GP trainee, London
Madhav Dave, Junior Doctor, Manchester
Salma Rehman , Paediatrician, Bedford
Riyad Aladassi, Registered Nurse, Melbourne
Ngozi Erondu, Epidemiologist, London
Dr Shazia Hafeez GP, London
Dr Wajeeha Jaffer, GP Partner, Hertfordshire
Dr Shadab Hussain Doctor. Reading
Dauod Shantir GP LONDON
Shajeel Khan, ED Consultant, London
Saleem Sabir. (GP -Middlesbrough _Uk)
Aniqa shakur, tax advisor, reading
Hassan Rehman, Doctor, Stoke on Trent
Alya Omar Dentist London
Ahmad Salahuddin, Doctor, London
Dorchester faiza shaid
Chris Evans, Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield
Noshaba Faris Rtd doctor orpington
Rubia Khawaja, Accountant, Chelmsford
Yasmin Begum General Practitioner Luton
Faizal Sameja, Specialty Doctor, London
Rhianon Hutcheson, Registered Nurse, Alice Springs
Suniya Iqbal, Psychology graduate, Reading
Hannah Caller, paediatric doctor, London
Magdalena Michalska Medical Doctor Szczecin
Ahmed SIDDIQI doctor
Dr Huda Badri, Respiratory Consultant, Manchester
Aleem Husain, Medical student, Birmingham
Vienna Lstadt Student London
Dr Khaled Abdel-Aziz, Consultant Neurologist, London
Zahra Akram, Family Therapist, London
Heba saleh, GP. London
Ayesha Aziz,General Practioner, London
Hawra Badri, Doctor, Manchester
Jo-anne Carlyle
Ali aldaghmin
Mariyum Islam, Medical Student, Birmingham
Cathy Thomson, Physiotherapist, Guildford
Khadija Amla, Speech and Language Therapist, Greater Manchester
Hamnah Azam, Oral Surgery Dentist, Birmingham
Mohamed Elhams, Consultant Acute Physician, Edinburgh
Shehla Ansari , Optical assistant, London
Ella Tuohy, Nurse, Darwin, Australia
Touria El Haddaoui, Unemployed, London
Dr Reem Farwana, Junior Doctor, London
Sobia khan doctor england
Ayad Shakir consultant in Anaesthesia and pain management. London.
Sabina Hanoman-Singh
Fatma Bensaad
Safa El-Ghazoini, Physician Associate, London
Mohammed Suleman youth worker Birmingham
Dr Henna Khan Fellow of RCOG London
Dr. Rebekah Morris, Foundation doctor, London
Asim Mirza, Pharmacist / CEO, London
Hashim Samir, Consultant Radiologist, Carmarthen
Mai Altous, Doctor, Victoria, Australia
Syed, Fatimi, Doctor, Najran
Mohammed Ibrahim Hossain, GP Trainee, Leicester
Muhammad Talha, Sharurah, Najran, KSA
Farah Hassan-Rashid, restored healthcare worker, London don
Hamid Khan, Gastroenterologist,, Wrexham
Palwasha Gul, doctor, quetta
Dr Bisher Kawar, consultant Nephrologist, Amman, Jordan
Mariam binte Alias, teacher, Singapore
Ayesha Aziz,General Practioner, London
Asma sarwar, doctor, london
Thyn thyn geriatrician Barnsley
Yasmeen salloo, ta, walsall uk
Eliza Davison, CT1, London
Dr Ahmed Salamat Consultant Haematologist, Glangwili General Hospital
Dr Mohammad Hussain, Psychiatrist, BIRMINGHAM
Rukhsana Yousaf, pharmacist, Huddersfield
Nadia Bashir GP London
Dr Haroon Yaqub Psychiatry Registrar, Cambridge
Samina Ahmad Solicitor Slough
Hasina ullah,London
Dr Altaf Saherwala
Dr Haneef Ahmad Qamar
Naushad Karim, radiologist, Manchester
Aliya Patel, dentist, manchester
A Nabi, GP, UK
Umar Patel, Consultant Psychiatrist, Bolton, UK
Aasia Butt
Omar Zibdeh, Doctor, London
Abid Hussain, Consultant anaesthetist, Huddersfield
Rubina Chaudary. Auditor. Birmingham UK
Herman De Ley, Emeritus Professor, Ghent University
Mary Mclachlan, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Halow, UK
Dr Fatima Ramkhoda, Dentist, London
Craig Delavari Consultant Anaesthetist, Melbourne
Abu Ebrahimsa,Manager,London
Shimaila Ali, GP. Chorley
YUNUS. Khanji
Anar Rysmukhambetova, Kuala Lumpur
Amélia Shehadeh, paediatric emergency medicine consultant
Dr Mazhar Chaudri, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Dudley, West Midlands
Rachael Moses, Physiotherapist, London
Aishaa Islam , GP, Wakefield
Taher Atcha
Imran Saeed, Congenital Cardiac Surgeon, Leicester
Hamdia Ashraf, Trainee Pharmacist, Manchester UK
Abu Ebrahimsa,Manager,London
Mr M. Najem, Surgeon, Edgware
Amina Ndope, Pharmacist, Nairobi
Iman Hassan, Trust grade doctor, Nottingham
Jo Ireland retired london
Dr Adel Tawil, Haematologist, London
Errum mumtaz, GP, Nottingham
Beverlyn Wamatuba, midwife, Nairobi
Ali Zaman, Optomtrist, London
Hasan Zeb, Medical student, Birmingham
Dr Aysha Khan, Registrar, Bournemouth
Juiliana Hamzah, Medical Doctor, Manchester
Abdus salam, Psychologist, Peshawar Pakistan
Vipul Patel, Pharmacist, Preston
Rana teacher birmingham
Rizwan Mahmood, hospital doctor, Birmingham
Naseem. Sheikh ( specialist Biomedical Scientist)
Siti Sarah Mohd Nor, Doctor, Liverpool
TC Goh, doctor, Singapore
Wajid Hussain, Doctor, Isle of Man
Sulayman Ayub, Medical Student, Birmingham
Gillian Best, community nurse, london
Zaid Al-Fagih, Doctor, London
Muhammad athar,doctor,lahore
Intesar Nur, medical student, Birmingham
Nic Baigrie, C.O.O, Cape Town
Dalal Osman, Coach, Reading
Dr Usman Maqsood. Consultant Physician, Birmingham
Tehseen Khan, GP, London
Ellen Ben Abba, ICT Trainer, London
Mahnur Khan, London, Foundation Doctor
Zohra Haiderkhan, medical student, Birmingham
Nadia Shehadeh, Human Rights Campaigner, London, UK
Syed Alam, Doctor, Karachi
Sabina Omar, Teacher, London
Barbara Iqbal, Retired, Manchester
Jennani Magandran, Obstetrics & Gynaecology SpR, Drogheda
Jennifer Baigrie. Retired teacher. Cape Town.
Oyintariela Laindon, Nurse, Manchester
Emma Dunton, Family Therapist, Newington
Hajirah Saeed, Physician, Boston
Nicole Uhlick. Registered Nurse, Edmonton
Ubaida Rostom, Pharmacist, England
Rajia Khatun
Jude Asfour, Dermatologist, Amman, Jordan
Muzy Francoise retired London
Halima Ahmed ,homemaker,London
Ruth Calland, Chair of the British Jungian Analytic Association, London
Farooq Hassan
Randa zaid CEO London
Dr Aneesa Taimoor O&G
Irfan Sayed GP London
John Puntis, Paediatrician, Leeds
Huzefah Ahmed, Doctor, Dewsbury
Mariam sidat self-employed Blackburn
Ghulam Nabi
Aoife Nechowska, FY2, London
Yazan Suradi, Neurologist, Amman
Marc Cosyns, Family Medecine UGent
Dr Aaliya Najib GP Birmingham
Muhammad Al-Dalla Ali, Doctor, Edinburgh
Maryam Merali, Solicitor, London
Shanavaz Ali, Engineer, Manipal
Jan Baker, psychotherapist, London
Dr. Mae AlGhawas, Medical Oncology PGY4, Vancouver, Canada
Sarah Abada, 4th year medical student, Birmingham
Muhammad Ikram/Consultant Intensivist/Stockton on Tees
Anne Burley, Retired, London
Dr Mohammed Khanji, Consultant Cardiologist, London
Lolwa Al-Obaid, St. Louis
Muhammad Mannan Rossendale
OMAIR adnan
Shaida shafi social worker birmingham
Abdulkarim Zurgani, Doctor, London
Dina Shamaileh , MD - lnternist , Amman
Khawer Ashfaa
Idris Patel. Postman. London
Ili Suhaimi, GP, Glasgow
Dalal balish Birmingham
Qasim Bhatti, GP, Birmingham
Hajra Ashraf, Surgeon, London
Sahar Anwar, trainee business info system analyst, Bucks
Afreen hayat, Doctor, Reading
DR. Bagus Riyono, Psychology Lecturer, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta-Indonesia
Abdullahi Abdullahi
Michael Barnes, Retired, Watford UK
Raghad jaradat, internal medicine specialist, Irbid, Jordan.
Sajida malik ,pakistan .Doctor
Dr Daniel McQueen, Consultant Psychiatrist, London.
Razan Alkhouri,MD
Esther Gigger, registered nurse, Darwin, Australia
Hiba Barghouthi, MD , Nephrologist, Amman- Jordan
Zohra Ismail-Panju, GP, Watford
F bizzari solicitor London
Hannah Merrill, Specialty Doctor Acute Medicine, Salford.
Abdullah Chaudhry, SIS MSc student, London
Fatima Khalid, Respiratory Registar, Warrington
Dr Reham Nasereddin, Internist, Jordan
Irum khayyam
Muhammad Ayub
Musa Sharkawi
Milton Pena, retired orthopaedic consultan, Salford
CarlaEleonora Ciccone , gynegologist, Avellino o
Jonathan Murphy, doctor, derry
Haider Manzar, Doctor, London
Kate Marie Boyle, Family Medicine, Cork, Ireland
Emma Reinhold, GP, Winchester
Maysoon Shafiq, Chaplain, HUDDERSFIELD
T Shaheen
Fatemeh Geranmayeh, neurologist, London
Dr Eric Windgassen, Consultant Psychiatrist (retired), Manchester
Wael ali
Zahira Cajee ANP Essex
Abdulaziz AlJassim Medical Oncology Fellow, Ottawa
Nosheen Khan
Khaled bizanti; paediatric consultant; London
Fauzia Anjum, Doctor, Lahore
Jan De Maeseneer, Family Physician, Ghent, BELGIUM
Crona kelliher GP Galway, Ireland
Fozia manzoor ..doctor. lahore
Ayah Atiyah, doctor, Cheltenham
Mohamed Ibriak, doctor, Manchester
Kari Wright , doctor , Surrey
Jennifer Young, FY2 Doctor, Hull
Maisha Shahjahan, SHO, Coventry
Razi Khan. Telford
Aiman Aslam, 5th year Medical Student, University of Cambridge, UK
Doctor Roxana , Birmingham
Tayyib Ali, Dental Student, Nottingham
Felicity de Zulueta, Emeritus Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, London
Vanessa Salam Doctor London
Abrar Almulla, consultant physician, Bristol
ruhulamin moosa
Dr Subali Nallamala, GP, London
R Begum London
Fatemah Alyaqout, Internal Medicine, Montréal/Kuwait
Mahomed Omar, Optometrist, Leicester
Abed atieh, clinical Fellow, Nottingham
Matthew Kavanagh, Assistant Professor of Global Health, Washington, DC
C mcmanus designer london
Paquita de Zulueta GP academic
Paul O’Brien
Mohamed Helal, Urologist, London
Hasan Naveed; Surgeon; Guildford
Fauzia Adnan Lecturer
Kit Byatt, independent doctor, Hereford
Zia Kiani
Aatif Husain, Major Trauma Fellow (Doctor), London
Omar Khalaf surgeon Amman
Khwaja Nizam uddin (Hospital Doctor in Edinburgh)
Rachel Jenkins, Professor Emeritus, Kings College London
Dr Saad Siddiqui, Consultant Radiologist, Peshawar
Taha Amir, Junior doctor, London
Amir Malkawi, Consultant Surgeon, Amman
Shezad khan, local Authority London
E Soydan, project manager, London
Tehreem Adnan, London
Dr Yasmeen Hasnain, Doctor, Milton Keynes
Dawn Knight, RMN, Bristol
Tooba Khan, Doctor, Dubai
Imad Sakran consultant surgeon Baghdad
Quratulain Shah, radiologist, Islamabad
Israr Fazal, Engineer, Nottingham
Nor Syuhada Ahmad Soobni, Medical Lecturer (Psychiatry), Selangor, Malaysia
Ayan Basu Doctor London
Izzati Wahab, FY2 Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford
Habib Arain Health care assis.
Dr.Zalikha Ilyas, GP, London
Moutaz El kadri, Liverpool
Dr A. Rahman, Older Adult Psychiatrist, Highlands, UK
Bayan Abdul-Hadi, Psychiatrist, Irbid
Uzma Sarwar GP luton
Ahmed Habib, Thoracic surgery consultant,Wolverhampton
Abdul salam Birmingham
Jutsnara Hussain. Early years practitioner. London
Arjun Chandna, Doctor, London
Omar Almasri, consultant neurologist, Plymouth
Osama Hamarneh, ENT Consultant, Amman, Jordan
Mahmoud Elsakhawy, Consultant Intervention Radiologist Romford UK
Shabana Syed doctor watford
Luthfun Nessa
Aliaa F. khaja orthopaedic surgeon - Kuwait
Dr. Mina Mariam, Radiologist, Islamabad.
Peter Bates, orthopaedic surgeon, london
Bruce George, General Surgeon, Oxford
Yusuf Lunat (retired) London
Pramod Achan Surgeon London
Ouafa choufani female Muslim chaplain
Tim Peters, Medical Registrar, London
Lily Gartry, Optometrist, London
Amal Elkafrawy, Doctor,Altrincham
Mebs . Royalmail . London
Mr Jonathan Ward, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Livio Di Mascio, Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Sandeep kumar radiologist new delhi india
Jehan Helou librarian UK
Shalina Begum, Teacher , London
Farah Hussain, GP, London
Ateeq Ali, Advisor, Riyadh
Ahmed Tawfeeq,specialist physician,Abu Dhabi
S Dar, Doctor, Bradford
Fatima Awais, medical student, Peshawar
Professor Henry Houlden, Consultant Neurologist, NHNN, London UK
Dr Emer OConnor, Medical Officer, London, UK
Savile Town, Dewsbury
Huma Nazir, medical student, peshawar
Dr. Aung Minn, Medical Officer, Birmingham
Dr Farhat mahmood
Mr Faddy Kamel, General surgery registrar, London
Donald Saunders, retired Optometrist, COLWYN Bay , North Wales
Dr. Thomas Bourinaris, Clinical Fellow NHNN, London
irum khawaja dentist rochdale
Dr. Helai Osmani, medical officer, London
Pharmacist, Dewsbury
Dr. Nevil Pavithran, Medical Officer, London
Iram Shaikh-Abbasi, physician, oak brook
Dr Al-Bakri, Specialty Doctor Anaesthetist, Solihull, UK
Yousuf Bhikha, Pharmacist, Dewsbury
Mohamed ,radiologist ,Chennai
Mohammad Masei Haji aqha mohammad, SHO , london
Khadija Chowdhury, Doctor, Manchester
Ala Ali , Consultant Gastroenterologist , UK
Dr. Abubakar Rauf , Radiology Resident , Lahore Pakistan
Dr Richard Bischoff, Paediatrician, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Bridget Ellacott, nurse, Corpus Christi, Texas
Haleema, London
Sana Iqbal, Clinical Pharmacist, Stockport
Mohammed Alghoul, physician, Amman
Hamzah Ahmed, GP trainee - Wakefield
Asif patel
David Cranston Consultant Surgeon Oxford
Ziad Farah, Rheumatology Consultant, London
Aimen sajjad, student, Pakistan.
Mohamed K Rahman, Consultant Haematologist, Warrington
Ilan Pappe, lecurer, Exeter, UK
Dr J Ananthan, Doctor, Cambridge
Fara Khan ,school nurse admin, London
Nozomi Takahashi, molecular biologist, Ghent
Yasmeen Khan, clinical psychologist, chicago
Khondker Hossain. Orthopaedic Surgeon Sheffield UK
Atia Azmi, GP
Khaled Dawas Surgeon London
Zahraa Habeeb, nephrology fellow, Edmonton
Dr Hamed A Lawal, General Practitioner, London
Michel Vanhoorne, Retired professor of occupational and environmental health, Ghent University
Fidaa wishah . Pediatric radiologist. Phoenix . Arizona
Liaqat natha GP , Bolton
Dr. Haya Malhas, Emergency Physician, Kuwait City
Amina Rashid Doctor U.K.
Salim Patel, Retailer, Bolton UK
Zobia Begum, housewife, Birmingham
Gul meena
Maryam Naeem, Pharmacy student, Birmingham
Asma Fischer Child Neurologist Augusta GA , USA
Asima Rashid(Doctor, London)
Hina Akram, Clinical Psychologist, London
Soffia Khursheed doctor Islamabad
Paola Canarutto, physician, Lure (France)
Tabassum Tabby Kabeer
Natalie Shoreman, Systemic Psychotherapist & Family worker, London
Abdur rahman
Lucio Nitsch, M.D. Professor Emeritus, Napoli, Italy
Bashar Abdeen, Doctor, London
Mariam Salie, Clinical Psychologist, Cape Town South Africa
Syed Kabeer, Surgeon, UK
Suhaila Kiyani South Woodford
kausar ashfaq RADIOLOGISTS Karachi
Dr Suhair Shebani Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist Glenfield Leicester
Riaz Chutoo, GP, UK
zanish Asif, Orthotist, Wah Cantt
Shazia kausar assistant director district health authority rawalpindi
Razia Begum Optometrist Coventry
Zaid Bin Shahbaz, Shahbaz Ali Khan, Doctor, Lahore
Mahnoor Butt, doctor, gujrat
Dr Saad Mustafa HO at CPTH lahore
Nick Maynard, Consultant Surgeon, Oxford
Ejaz Nabi, Pharmacist/ Consultant, Westcliff On Sea
Wasidah Shahfudin, Student, Sepang
Iman taha. Engineer. Windsor, Ontario
Zulaikha Zulaikha, home maker, Birmingham
Caitriona Logan, Consultant Radiologist, Ireland ital
Shakeel Ahmad
Mohammed Shamea
Mohammed Shafiq Moriwala, security officer, Leicester
Annemarie Young, Writer, Cambridge
Abdullah allayla doctor Mosul
Hafshah Khan GP London
Dr. Indi Trehan, Pediatrician, Seattle
Athar Fatemi, Banking/internal auditor, London
Sana Ahmed Consultant Physician Rawcliffe
Asad Khan, Doctor, Lincoln
Mohammad Aslam Doctor Southend on Sea
DR HUSNAIN FAROOQ, doctor, Lahore
Shahid Sharif , Doctor, Reading
Derek Soon, neurologist, Singapore
Sayeda Nahar, Intercalating Medical Student, St. Albans
Aminah Siddique, Pharmacist, Watford
Mr. Sabah Al-Mukhtar Lawyer London
Yasmin Surti, Senior Programme Lead, Leicester
Anees Sharif, Hospital Doctor, Swansea,
Samar khan, doctor, Wolverhampton
Dr Nusrat Jabeen GP Luton
Liana Shengelaia, Doctor, Tbilisi
Nabila Khan, student, Milton Keynes
Farhaana Surti, Medical Student, Leicester
Ayesha Naseem
Ellen Siegel Registered Nurse, Washington DC
Mohammed Shafiq, General Practitioner, Stoke-on-Trent
Engineer Aamir Mairaj, Lahore, Pakistan
Ahmad Attia, Junior doctor
Mohammed Asif Chaudry, Consultant Cancer Surgeon, London
Enam Haque, GP, Manchester
Maha tanveer, doctor
Ky Lyn Tan, Doctor, London
Natasha Abdul Aziz, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, London
NASREEN Akhtar, Social Care Manager. Birminggam
Chantal Cameron Retired teacher Ipswich
Ushna Javaid, 2nd year MBBS student, Muzaffarabad
Saima humayun Islamabad
Dina Alami, Ultrasound Technologist, Boston
Beth McElroy, Anaesthetics and ICU, Cheltenham
Riffat Qadeer, dentist, london
Ameen Kamlana, GP, London
Gynecologist obstetrician
Maryam Saleem, GP Trainee, London
Ali Arshad, Consultant Surgeon, Southampton.
Lisa Ryan , GP , Galway
Rana adnan medical professional. Rawalpindi
Dr Shahnaz Ahmad, London
Stephanie Curtis, Consultant Cardiologist, Bristol
Dr shahida pediatric nephrologist Lahore
Mands La, IT, St. Paul
Tahir Pervez Abbottbad Pakistan
James B, doctor, London
Martin Kemp, Psychoanalyst, London
Wafa Khan, Doctor, Surrey
Dr Iqra Aslam Medical officer,Okara Pakistan
Zahra Haq/Clinical Psychologist /Islamabad Pakistan
Dr Sadiyo Siad
Mohamed Abdellatif, surgical registrar, Kettering
Dr Ruhail Mir
Farrukh khan
Sultan Alqassìmi - Director - Sharjah Zuae
Raghida Ibrahim
Yamen Jabr, Clinical Fellow, Ipswich
Nasir Ameer, Cardiologist, Southend-on-Sea
Marie kershaw doctor Birmingham UK
Naheed Mir, Consultant Radiologist, London
Sumayyah Khan
Shuaib london
Hans Lee, Doctor, Tunbridge Wells
Azhar Iqbal consultant microbiologist Manchester
Nazia Ahmed, doctor, london
Yasmin Ismail, Consultant Cardiologist, Bristol
Shabier Hayat
Fatima Manjra, Charity Sector Analyst, Gloucester
Docial worker
Dr Uswa bint e Akram, Nutritionist, Lahore
Jamila Kassam, Research physiotherapist, London
Bruce-Malcolm Nobrega
Navaede Siddiqui, GP, Watford
Nadia Haji London
Margaret Gear. Physiotherapist. Shetland, U.K.
Dr. Parsa Amin, Psychiatry doctor, London
Dr Zahra Al Asaadi, Maxillofacial surgery registrar, Southampton
Dr Nasim Mahmood, Consultant General Paeditrcian, Liveroool
Yousra Djouidee, Doctor, Exeter
Taslim Aarbi, Doctor, Prescot
Shabi Ahmad Consultant Urologist Birmingham
Mohamed Didi, Docto, Liverpool
Furqan Basharat, Consultant Paediatrician, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Muhammad Umar, doctor
Sara, Ahmed, Student, Birmingham
Mo Jamal, Engineer, Liverpool
Fahad Ahmed Doctor Brighton
Hawa Aswat, Doctor, Leicester
Sarah rizeq, doctor, tunbridge wells
Linda Bairkdar, Birmingham, doctor
Dr Mohamed Khalifa, Consultant, London
Hiba Peracha, GP, Derby
Helen Dillon, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Warwick.
Dr Delek Summerfield, London
Mohammed Qureshi
Raisa Ahmed, Paeds doctor, Lincoln,
Ai Lien Djie, Mental Health Counselor, Amsterdam
Dr Rukyya Hassan, Psychiatrist, UK
Catrin Jones General Surgery Registrar Glasgow
Mohammad Durrani, doctor,london
Norbert Andersch, Consultant Neurologist/Psychiatrist, Praelo, Italy
Samia Shehadeh, Psychologist, London
Morsal Mohammad teacher London
Miss Kamilia El-Farra consultant Gynaecologist. Essex
Al-Dujaili Dhiya, Pharmacist
Tim Fox , Doctor and Psychotherapist, Essex
Dr Catherine Houghton, Consultant Physician, Bury
Dr Shahid Kausar, Hospital Doctor, Birmingham UK
Saadia Hayat GP Wakefield
Dr Chris Evans, Sheffield
Amr Abushawaly, surgical registrar, Bedford, UK
Saad Obaid Ul Islam, Student, Islamabad
Dr Amel filali, infectious diseases , Belgium
Lindsey M McKenna Maxwell, Paediatrician, Glasgow
David Halpin.  Retired orthopaedic and trauma surgeon
Moneba Bashir, Nurse, Manchester
Shameq Sayeed, General Practitioner, Oxford
Quadeer Ahmad . Psychiatrist. Birmingham
Hammad Shaikh, GP, London
Shireen Siddiqui, London, GP
Saba urooj, doctor, multan
Abdel-Hamid Hamed
Professor Roger Iredale
Sue Cariss, Retired, Settle,
Diana Culbertson, Physician Assistant, Seattle
Dr Sobia Noor, medical officer, Wah cantt
Khaula Ali, doctor, Glasgow
A Hayat , GP Wakefield
Samina Bashir
Fauzia Zafar doctor Cheltenham
Kashif Sarwar, GP, Leeds
Ghassan Nounu, Senior Lecturer, Bristol
Noman Qayyum, Doctor, stoke On Trent
Dr Rouaa Saeed, GP, Manchester
Ienas, Pharmacist, London
Umair khan
Teresa Bailey, Child Psychotherapist, London
Iffath Ahmed, Dentist, London
Reda Afifi, retired medical consultant, Somerset
Rachel Cole, foundation doctor, London
Noman Shaikh
Syeda Farah Farzana, Doctor , Manchester
Linda Kateeb, educator, Chicago, IL USA
Brigid Keenan, writer, London
Dr Nida Anjum GP North Wales
Kirstie Paton, teacher, London
Dr. Nida Anjum, GP, North Wales
Fatin Sammour, Doctor , Surrey
Dr Shamil Yusuf, Cardiologist. Coventry
Iram Saeed Haematologist London
Dr Khalid Mahmood, Consultant Cardiologist, Birmingham
Dr Sebastião Viola, Consultant Psychiatrist, Cardiff, UK
Dr Muhammad Suhail Asghar, Bristol
Khadijah Gangat, Optometrist, Leicester
Hanah Nasri, Clinical Researcher, Boston
Dr Saadia Waqas ,Riyadh
Chanda Hussain, advanced specialist Scientist
Muhammad Patel, Audiologist, Leicester
Maysoon Sutherland, therapist, Edinburgh
Shifa Rostom Ajlani, Dentist, Liverpool
Altaf Hussain, Physician, Islamabad Pakistan
Hussain Karim
Dr Rabya Sayed, Nephrologist, Reading
W AL-SAKKAF, Haematology Consultant, Bristol
Ruby satti. Scientist, bristol
Raquia bano , doctor coventry
Abdul Alsaleh, consultant Neurologist , Bristol
Dr Billal Patel. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Sajad Hayat, Cardiologist, Doha
Dr. Altaf Hussain, Physician, Islamabad
Deema Emar
Aleem Khand, consultant cardiologist, Liverpool, uk
Dr Philippa Whitford, MP, Troon
Dr Hisham Nizar London
Muhammad Majeed. Doctor, Merseyside
Ashfaq Rafiq Patel, Chaplain, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals
Wasim bari
Sultan Ramzan, Cardiac Physiologist, Birmingham
Tahira Khan, GPST3, West Sussex
Adila iqbal dr slough UK
Zeenat Rahim - Recruitment specialist, Newbury U.K.
Sarfaraz adam. GP.
Hamid sheikh, consultant oncologist, manchester
Mohamed Abbas, cardiology registrar , Blackpool
Kelly, Raihani,family liasion, London
Aseef Yehiyan
Mohammed Saqlain Siddiqui, Medical Student, Birmingham
Shehrazad Halawa, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Plymouth
Hunada Droubi pediatrician Saudia Arabia
Jane Crawley, Paediatrician, Oxford
Dr. Mohamad Alfaham, Consultant Radiologist, Liverpool
Prof Faizel Osman, Consultant Cardiologist, Coventry
Ahmed Elhefnawy, doctor, Blackpool
Dr Mohammed Al-Zubayel, Junior Doctor, Stoke
Pam Wortley Retired GP Sunderland
Samantha sadoo doctor London
Safia Rahman teacher Azamgharh UP INDIA
Ayesha Rahmat, Med student, Kolkata
Dr. Sarah Moxon, assistant professor, London
Fawwaz Arikat Surgeon Wales
Ahmed Shafi, Surgical trainee, cambridge
Philip Gothard, Doctor, London
Dr Aamir Iqbal, General Practitioner, London
Safia Rahman Teacher Azamgarh UP INDIA
Brooke Maddux, psychiatrist, FRANCE
Jane Hirst, Obstetrician, Oxford
Razia Kennedy
Amir Kaki, Physician, Detroit MI
Dr Imran Syed Consultant Interventional Radiologist London
Mariam Choudhry, Doctor, London
Dr Jack Milln, Specialist Registrar in Endocrinology and Diabetes, London
Dr Aishah Anwar,GP,Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Yusuf musa, Consultant,
Ruth Curry, Consultant in Obstetrics and Feto-maternal Medicine, Oxford
Niloufer Bhagwat advocate Mumbai
Retired Professor of National Programme Chicago
Inas Ahmed, Consultant Anaesthetist, Lincoln
Dr Sohail Shahzad GP London
Cally Tann, Associate Professor, London
Mohammad Haris, Doctor, Bradford
Dr. Iffat Tahirah, Doctor, Coventry
Leanne smith
Jean Bowyer, Paediatricin , London
Danya Qureshi, Obstetrics and Gynaecology ST1, London
Ayman Alatta, Doctor, Blackpool
Dr. Nazeer Upanal, Oncologist, Brisbane Australia
Kamran jamil, sales, Baltimore
Uways Ibrahim, Allied healthcare professional, Preston
Dr Hossam El Gendi
Mohammud emrit pharmacy assistant. Newport
Andrew McArdle, Paediatrician, London
Dr Angelo Stefanini, Public Health Physician, Bologna (Italy)
Jill Halstead, clinics lead podiatry and dental, Leeds, UK
Kourosh Sabour, UK
Ibrahim Meah, NHS Mental Health Chaplain, Sunderland
Jo Wong, doctor, UK
Retired nurse leeds
Hesham Abdalla Consultant Paediatrician, Walsall
Faiz Ali, Consultant Gastroenterologist, South Wales
Helen Allott, Obstetrician, Reading
Hannah Mitchell pediatrician Philadelphia USA
Mujahida Ibrahim
Muhammad Mubashar, hospital consultant, Manchester
Muhammad Naeem doctor West Midlands
Azath Kamil Mohamed Lafir, Psychiatrist, Luton
Raafe Iqbal, Cardiologist, wahcantt
Veronica Miller, consultant obstetrician, Kxford
E Idris
Alaa Alia
Ruchi Joshi, Doctor, Walsall
Dr Elhosseyn Guella, Cardiology Registrar, Manchester
Dr Sally Turner; Consultant Radiologist, Walsall
Adil Alli, Pharmacist, Blackburn
Mohamed Raheem doctor Oxford
Noor Mahdi, GP registrar, Manchester
Sutton Coldfield (West Midlands)
Dolil Miah, social worker, London
Dr Sarfaraz Sobhani, GP, Oldham
Baduruniza ibrahim, consultant physician,London
Ee Ying Ooi, Dentist, Bristol
Joanna Cooper GP London
Khadija Khanji, Pharmacist, Bolton
MUHAMMAD ASGHAR, Ophthalmologist, Nantwich
Dr Zohra Ali, Medical Oncologist, London
Lyn Zimmo, Radiologist, Brighton
Hashim Khan, MBBS student, Jhang
Kursheed Khan, Doctor, London
Dr Alex Laurie, Junior Doctor, Glasgow
Huzaifa patel, Pharmacist, Preston
Naz mah
Raouf salti surgeon Switzerland
Ashraf Patel, pharmacist, Blackburn
Nadia Sayeed, respiratory physician, walsall
Vasanth Naidu, Internal Medicine Trainee, London
Hussein Hassan
Huda Mahmoud, Consultant, Birmingham
Mohaned Egred Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Newcastle upon Tyne UK
M jawad, radiology, birmingham
Mohammed Lakha Cardiac Physiologist Blackpool
Farooq Shah, doctor, nottingham
Nikolaos Karogiannis, Cardiologist, London
Zeeshan Zulfeqar, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Blackburn
Hanny Anwar, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, London
Dr Pamela Miceli, Speciality Doctor in Geriatrics, Bournemouth
W Afandi, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Manchester
Janice Luddington, Stoma Nurse Coordinator, Romford
Shahid Khan, consultant physician, Hitchin
Dr Muhammad Rashid, Doctor, Sheffield
Hossam Elmahy, doctor, West Yorkshire
Ferha Saeed London
Shaheen Raza,Teacher, Newbury
Kafi Osman, Doctor, Birmingham
Muhammad Karbhari, Project Manager, Blackburn
Ahmad Aljian, psychiatrist, Lancaster.
Carla Schwanfelder, Paediatrician, Nuremberg
Farida Chand, head chef, gloucester
Aneeza Nadeem, Speech and Language Therapist, Manchester
Nighat Ghazanfar, Gp trainee , Stevenage
Hossam Elsayed, Consultant Cardiologist, Birmingham
Ed MacLaren, obstetrician and gynaecologist exeter
Hesham Abdelaziz- cardiology consultant- Blackpool
Saja Alami, Economist, Boston
Hamid Iqbal, Doctor, Lahore
Atef el-kholy ENT consultant Mancster
Colonel Ann Wright, Retired US Army Colonel, Honolulu, Hawai'i
Sajidah Ahmed, speech and language therapy assistant practitioner, greater Manchester
Norah Ismail, Boston
Paul Kelly, Belfast
Isma Kazmi Doctor leeds
Abdullah Hanoun, Surgeon, Manchester
Khadija Amla, Specialist Speech and language therapist, Greater Manchester
Omar Aldaleel - Consultant Paediatrician - Coventry
Dr Abeer Shaaban, Consultant Pathologist, Birmingham
Dr Ammaarah Hafejee, Doctor, London
Dirk Rastomjee, GP, Oxford
Roza Zobedey, Pharmacist, London
Tarek Mostafa, Anaesthestist, Manchester
Mymuna Hussain, Podiatrist, London
Muhammad Shaheen, IT Engineer, London
Moosa Ali, University Student, London
Mohammed Hassan, Eye Surgeon, Barnsley
Stephen Odogwu, consultant surgeon, Sutton Coldfield
Dr Mosaad Elbanna, Cardiology SCF, Stevenage
Donna McKernan Radiographer Belfast
Sally Collins, Consultant Obstetrician, Oxford
M J Addin, paediatrician, RUH, Bath
Dr .Nabil El Mikatti. Retired consultant Anaesthetist .South Manchester teaching hospital
Mona Elshafie, doctor, Birmingham
Jenny McKnight, radiographer, belfast
Amy Gurung, Doctor
Haitham Darwich Doctor Wakefield
Irim Farooq, Radiographer, Bangor
Bilal Bawamia, Cardiology Registrar, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Ruth Outridge, Registered Nurse, MPHTM, Darwin
Dr Maneeza Siddiqui, GP, High wycombe
Donna Sherrard, Radiographer Belfast
Mohammed Khan Manchester
Sheeba Riaz, doctor, Manchester
Suhail ahmed, doctor, liverpool
Harris Hameed, Radiology Registrar, Glasgow
Fahad Siddiqui, Doctor, Birmingham
Mo Tahir, T&O Surgeon, London
Ameena Tahir, NHS Assistant Psychologist, Coventry
Claire Cooke, Radiographer, Belfast
Shakeel mirza, field service engineer, Birmingham
Sherif Elnikety, consultant Orthopaedic surgeon, London
J Collins, Surgical Trainee, London, UK
Jessica Perfetto, doctor, Philadelphia
Esther Waterhouse, consultant in Palliative Medicine, Walsall.
Andrew Karney, Retired, Hereford UK
Waqar Khan Pharmacist Manchester
Aizad Yusof, Consultant Anaesthetist, Birmingham
Samina Chaudry Teacher Hillingdon
Rehmani Jawad, Doctor, Walsall
Ifat Idris, PA, London
Fathima Hafsha Haroon Student Slough
Musab Al-Musabi, orthopaedic registrar, wolverhampton
Dr Abid Hussain
Tarek Katbeh, consultant surgeon, Glasgow
Farhana. MUHAMMAD,Therapist,London
Halema Bi
Aaron Saini
Sunny Mehta, Dentist, London
Melissa Clee
Husam Elbana, Surgeon, Barrow in Furness
Tanya arif house wife london
Farhana Sharif, Doctor, Glasgow
Sara Maki, Orthopaedic SHO, London
Dr Diamond Merchant, Consultant Physician, Birmingham
Adil Siddiqui, Dr, Epsom
Mohamed Najjar, GP, London UK
Miss Martine Powell, Thornton Cleveleys, Cardiac Physiologist
Imran Liaquat
Anjan Bhaduri, Consultant Paediatrician , Walsall
Hossam Elsheikh, doctor, Manchester
Khalda Wali, Solicitor Glasgow
Faraz Wali, Student, Glasgow
Zahid Wali , medical student . Glasgow
Christine Fullerton, Medical Student, Dundee
Laraib Malick, GP, Birmingham
Sajid Wali, Doctor, Nottingham/Glasgow
Reem Abdelhadi Teacher London
Shelley Raveendran
Alaa Abou Farah, pediatrician, Zahle
Fahad Hossain, Doctor, Walsall
Meena Bhatia, Doctor, Oxford
Fathima Mansoor Doctor London
Carol McCarthy, Specialty Doctor, Glasgow
Ahmed Qteishat, Consultant Urologist, Amman - Jordan
Howaida Alkabbani
Shameer Nijam
Shamim Mughal, Retired NHS Staff, Leyton. UK
Dr.Haroon Alimuhammad Retired GP London
Omer Sharif Doctor Huddersfield
Dr Katharine McDevitt, Paediatrician, Peterborough
Muhammad Javed, Doctor, Birmingham
Raghu Krishnamurthy, Paediatrician, Walsall
Azra Iqbal GP Walsall
Dina awad doctor manchester
Blameless Victim, Hamas Are Terrorists, Worldwide
Katie smith bristol
Bushra Riaz
Ahmad Khlaf physician Toronto
Ahmad Abdullah, Rheumatologist, Vancouver, Canada
Hanif Mustafa, Consultant Cardiologist, Birmingham
Aamer Ullah surgeon Leicester
Mohammed Patel, Pharmacist, Preston
Hassaan Sheikh, Orthopaedic Registrar, Sheffield
Noaman Rashid,Doctor, Basingstoke
Zahra Allawi, Neurophysiologist, Oxford
Aamina Syyed, Student, Glasgow
Alaa Hamad - NHS Doctor - Rainham
Dr Eilidh Hill, Physician, Glasgow
Tom Baigrie CEO London
KZ. House wife. Vancouver.
Dr Muhammad Adrees From Glagow
Noor Tariq, Oncologist, Liverpool
Yara halabi melbourne Australia
Mohamed Alama, Leicester, Cardiologist
Muhammad Aamer Siddique, Paediatric Registrar, Northampton
Asma Naseem, physician, manchester
Ali Ahmad, Consultant Gynaecologist, Manchester
Hamza Daudali, Medical Student, Glasgow
Imran Ali, Doctor, Sheffield.
Shazia Tazeen, support staff, Bristol
dr jim dillon gp.liverpool
Dr Tasneem Adam GP London
Alison Baigrie Director London
Charmilie Chandrakumar, Doctor, London
Claire Laidlaw Doctor London
Angus Baigrie, Marketing, London
Dr Tarik Al-Kubaisy, Consultant Psychiatrist, Lincoln UK
Michael Silva, Consultant Surgeon, Oxford, UK
Avril Washington, Consultant Paediatrician, London
Kirsty Craig, Medic Student, Glasgow
Khazara Taqeer, occupational therapist, Manchester
Sameh Mahmoud, Gynaecologist, Manchester
Mohammed Fariduddin, Doctor, Walsall
M Shahid bashir consultant salford
Laura Johnson Nurse West Midlands
Hajra Choksi, Pharmacist, Blackburn
Michelle Patton, radiographer, Belfast
Shazma Asim , Doctor, Scotland
Jupleen Kaur, Medical Student, Glasgow
Yaami Premakumar, Urology doctors, London
Luma Hemami, pharmacist, London
Inayah Zaheen GP trainee, London
Dr Kath Sutherland, Anaesthetist, Gloucestershire
Dr Hamid Sultan Consultant Physician UK
Dany Jacob Pharmacist
Samir Al-Chaghouri, Consultant Cardiologist, Lancashire
Dr Mohamed Zuhair, cardiology registrar, London
Sheraz Ahmad, Pharmacist, Bolton.
Anna Abrahamsson, Medical Student, Glasgow
Dr Adeel Aqil, Doctor, HUDDERSFIELD
Dr M Syeda
Millie Goldrick, Medical Student, Glasgow
Yunus patel on-line fashion wholesalers London
Ahmed Kamal Ophthalmic Surgeon Liverpool
Ranya Al-Jamal Dearborn
Tayyaba Khan , doctor , st helens
Ahmed dowedar Birmingham
Rebecca Winn, Neonatal Nurse, London
Suhail kaba pharmacist Preston
Dr Rubi Rafique Riyadh
Asma Amer Doctor Rawalpindi
Junnat aamir medical student glasgow
Shazia Hanif ,GP,Glasgow
Muhammad Hamid Doctor Manchester
Asima Patel, RMN Clinical Lead, Blackburn
Nasir Malik. Pediatric Surgeon, Pakistan
Juan Larraz, Medical student & researcher, Glasgow Uk
Umar aziz project manager london
Kashif Ashraf Radiologist Norwich
Bárbara Láinez, Medical Student, Glasgow
Fadi Elkhatib-doctor -Doha
Leicester, Soliman Ahmed
Tabindah Shah, housewife, High Wycombe
Tahir Butt Paediatric Dentist Liverpool
Muhammad Asif, NHS Consultant, Leicester
Ambreen Hussain, Hospital doctor (Medicine), Glasgow
Aliyah Choudhary, Doctor, Birmingham
Ismail Patel retired Blackburn
Anita Makins, consultant OBGYN, Oxford
Dawn Eadie, medical student, Glasgow
Nadia Masood, Consultant Anaesthetist, Edinburgh UK
Anila Akram, Pharmacist, Edinburgh
Zainab khanji, Pharmacist, Preston
Naveed Rai, doctor, London
Dalia Elbeih, doctor, Manchester
Zainab Khanji, Pharmacist, Preston
Susie Ferguson, Research Nurse, Edinburgh
Dr Adel El- Alfy, medical doctor,Stafford
Mohammed Hanif, doctor, Glasgow
Hazim Rahbi cardiologist Swindon
Dr Maira Arshed, Foundation Year 2 Doctor, Dundee
Muhammad Hasan, Doctor, Cambridge
Emmanouela Mathioudaki 1st year medical student university of Glasgow, Glasgow city
Faisal Majid, Radiologist, Birmingham
Alia Qamar, Economist, Edinburgh
Paul Lamp Pensioner Heemstede
Zunaira Shahid Doctor London
Noor ul ain, Doctor, Scotland
Saira Bibi Doctor Dundee
Muhsin Asmar doctor dewsbury
Imran Ilyas, GP, Glasgow
Javed Ibrahim, Doctor, Walsall
Beenish Ashraf GP Manchester
Zaffar H/ Consultant /London, UK
Dr. Wasim Haider, Family Physician, Edinburgh UK
Naisrin Elsafty, Surgeon, Dublin
Sahira Dar, GP, Glasgow
Afshan suleman, birmingham
Samreen Nasim, medical doctor, glasgow
Sh3hla Ali . Childminder. Bristol
Dr Sarah Hussain, Dental Surgeon, Manchester
Sadaf Gill, Doctor, Dundee
Rumina Hassan-Ali, consultant paediatrician, London
Tayyib Masood, Medical Student, Newcastle upon Tyne
Calum Robertson, Student, Glasgow
Sara Wynne, doctor, London
Jessica Bartlett, Registered Nurse, Darwin, Australia.
Kiran Altaf, Colorectal surgeon, Liverpool
Amraiz Iqbal, Doctor, Bolton
Sara Pervaiz, Doctor, Rotherham
Dr Mohamed Bassiony, GP, Kent
Hoda Najjar ,operations manager , London
Aniqa Rahman, Pharmacist, Newcastle
ShaZia Jamil ,Rickmansworth
Hashim Iqbal,Doctor,Cardiff
Ashok Karupaiah, Doctor, lichfield
Saima Shah, Doctor, Norwich
Sami Khan, Consultant Radiologist, Basildon, UK
Dr .Rehab Jamil GP
Thian Siang Lim, shares dealer, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Anam Siddiqui, GP trainee, Colchester
Mohammad Latif, Doctor, Manchester
Anna Livingstone medical practitioner London
Mohammed Khattak, Specialist Registrar Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Liverpool
Mostafa Khalafalla, General practitioner, Melbourne, Australia
Dr Zahraa Al Ali, Dentist, Hatfield
Ruqaiyah Behranwala medical student Birmingham
Suhail Abdul Wahab, Medical Registrar, East Midlands
Ijaz Mahmood MD. Louisville KY.
Mutaher Khatib -Retired Obstetrician &Gynaecologist, Cardiff
Fateha Yasmin, Pharmacist, Birmingham
Aroona Arfan, GP, Glasgow
Josephine Shakur Doctor Glasgow
Atif Khalil
Kamal Bilal, surgical registrar, Rotherham
Tofail Awan, doctor, Douglas
Tareq El Hussari, Consultant General Surgeon, Brighton
Saleh Abu Romeh Nephrologist Amman
Dr Siti Noraida Habibullah, Senior Lecturer, Kuala Lumpur
Abdul Machher, Chief Financial Officer, Toronto, Canada
Arwa kayali
Katherine Martin, Medical student, Glasgow
Asif Parkar, Doctor, London
Duaa Saeed-Chesterman, Doctor, London
Nida Rashid,doctor ,Manchester
Fiaza Manzoor Social Care staff Manchester
Dr Raja Coumine, Othopaedic Surgeon, Surrey,Uk
Sarah Wysling, Doctor, Bangor, Wales
Ayub Lulat, Laboratory Director, Whitby
Misbah Mohammad, ED Consultant, Birmingham
Burhan Durrani, GP Registrar, north yorkshire
Sundus Ahmad Healthcare worker Manchester
Saba Iqbal biomedical scientist, Dudley
Raheela Aqeel, consultant radiologist, Islamabad.
Jannah Radzif, internal medicine trainee, Scotland
Lloyd Bridgemohan
Imtiaz Haniff—Postal supervisor-Scarborough
Shabir Hussain
Farida Bobat, retired, Bolton
Mohammed Hussain, Student, Bolton
Samir Afify, Doctor, Gloucester
Humaira iqbal, house wife, Birmingham
Aamir Kamora, GP, London
Aamna Hussain, student, bolton
Dr Babar Majeed Emergency physician, Winchester
Farah Khan ED Physician
Hashmat Ali student glasgow
Mona Al Banna, Neurology Resident, Minneapolks
Usmi Sahid, Psychologist, Solo Indonesia
Pavlina Ntallakosta, Medical Student, Glasgow
Hamidah Bahashwan, Senior Counselor, Singapore
Colette Burke. RN. Chicago Illinois.
Sahra Jabbar, Dentist, London
Dr Abdul Hafeez GP Bolton
Yusoff Sultan, Publisher, Petaling Jaya
Mohamad Yusoff, Trading, Kuala Lumpur
Suraya Alam, Toronto
Wijdan Abdallah, School Psychologist, Clifton USA
Mohammad Chouthry
Syeda khatun, doctor, Birmingham
Dr Raja Alang Ya'akub, Healthcare I.T. Consultant
Jun Hung Ng, University of Glasgow Medical Student, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr Taj Saber, Rheumatologist, Birmingham
Nadeem Bhatti, GP, Glasgow
Bohari Jaon
M Salikimen Rafii, Specialist Associate IT, Singapore
Samar Bukhari, Medical Registrar, Sheffield
Rizwana Ali , Glasgow , UK
Sarah Hassan, Pharmacist, Melbourne
Muhammad Ghazzali
Tom Fidlers, Obstetrics and Gynaecology trainee, Frimley
Munawer latif, doctor, wah cantt
Shazia seemi,home maker, Bristol
Yap Xin Yue,Medical Student, Glasgow
Dr Anam Sadia, GP, London
Rehana Mahmood, accountant, Glasgow
Dr Nazia Mohammed, Clinical Oncologist, Glasgow, Scotland.
Zahid Habib, Consultant Family Medicine, Doha
Muhammad Shafiq , NHS Doctor, Basildon
Nadeem Pasha, Plastic Surgeon, Rawalpindi
Mustajib Ali Medical doctor Dehradun
Asma Ali, Project manager, London
Ambrose Agweyu, Paediatrician, Nairobi
S Mahmood Doctor
Yvonne Wekesa Doctor Nairobi
Teo Soh Lung Singapore
Sophia Nazir, Doctor, Birmingham
Mohammed Malik Doctor Nottingham
Alishba Ali , Speech and Language Pathologist , Lahore
Muntasir Abdelaziz
Hannah Hay, Support Worker, Brighton
Samuel NWAOMU Paediatrician Walsall
Reena Aggarwal, Dentist, Manchester
Christel Domon, Psychotherapist psychologist, Lausanne, Switzerland
Shaymaa Obousy, consultant psychiatrist, Cork city
Sophie Ladbrooke, GP registrar, London
Rahet Noor
Wai Han CHAN, publisher, Singapore
Sajida Sawafta , doctor , Nottingham/UK
Soumayya Alhajeh, Associate dentist, Birmingham
Haroon Zafar, GP , Glasgow
Mohammad Saleem, GP Glasgow
Wim Lankamp, retired, Delft - The Netherlands
Shazia Majeed, nurse, london
Mohamed Salim Bobat, ilford
Amina Khalid, Doctor, Dundee
Jane Moore, gynaecologist, oxford
Josiane Cassini. Infirmiere. Paris
Zeinab Iqbal Doctor norwich
Meenakshi Adenwala, account assistant, Glasgow
Jezeera Ibralebbe,Doctor,London
Osama razek., paeds. Peterborough
Sobia rafiq doctor sheffield
Amal Ibnelafif Nurse London
Faris Almallah, Consultatnt Radioogist, Birmingham
Rehana Mahmood, Accountant, Glasgow
Hossam Elgebali, radiologist, Huddersfield
Jeanne-Cassandre Turquet, 1st year medical student and home carer, Glasgow
Zakia,Doctor,jiddah KSA
Kathleen Thomas, Doctor, London
Rajab Kerwat, Consultant General Surgeon, London
Zaraq Khan, Medical Student, Birmingham
Kate Jardine, paediatric cardiac physiologist, Bristol
Dr Wassim Malas, General Practitioner, Manchester
Gerard Jonkman, director, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jane Hassell, Paediatrician, London
Niamh Rennie, Medical student, Glasgow
Farheen idrees
Ambreen Rashid, Doctor, Birmingham
Amanda Chakkoria, Medical Student, Glasgow United Kingdom
Muhammad shafiq, doctor, stockton on tees
Naila Rasul GP Glasgow
Dr Ameen Chekroud, Foundation Doctor, Nottingham
Yasmeen Arif, Pharmacist, Blackburn
Shila Begum GP Greater Manchester
Dr Khalid malik, pharmaceutical physician, Dubai UAE
Kochen-Zebib Wadad Psychanalyste Paris
Mohammed Kattan, consultant gynaecologist, Leeds
SuanTze Chng
Faiza Nasim, Accountant, Glasgow
Eve Tulloch, medical student, Glasgow
Faridah Baba, retiree, Kuala lumpur
Adelina el Bachir Baker london
Rashida Omar, support worker, Glasgow
Dr Anuradha Krishnan GP, Glasgow
Aadil Naeem, Medical Student, Glasgow
Hasan Ahmed Doctor London
Callum Williams, Medical Student, Glasgow
Dr David Toorawa, Retired General Medical Practitioner
Hilary Bower, Epidemiologist, London
Sehar Ramzan, GP, Glasgow
Sameera Sidat, Biomedical scientist, Lancashire
Farah Abdul-Quayum, property developer, Glasgow
Abdullah Aziz - Medical student - Glasgow
Aysha Rawn Business development Executive London
Samina Gulfraz, Practice Manager, Largs
Emma Blake, 1st Year Medical Student, Glasgow
Syed Ahmed, social care worker, community , Chigwell
Diarmuid James Baigrie, Lawyer, Cape Town
Timothy Hyslop, Musician, Cape Town
Abdullah Mohsin
Nazia jussab teacher U.K.
Azadul Islam, GP, Melbourne
Fathima Khan,  GP ,Leeds
Gulrez Khan , GP , Leeds
Tim Rainey, film maker, Sydney
Adrian Heok, Teacher, Singapore
Feisal Abdul Rahman, former medic, Singapore
F.N Chan  Singapore
Tanina Younsi, Doctor, Leeds
Dr Ujaas Dawar, Respiratory Medicine, Essex
zareen mohamed,consultant allergist,chennai
Hussein AlAhmad, Assistant professor, Ramallah
alexander montgomery doctor london
Esther Bischoff, GP, Sydney
Khan, doctor, london
Paul Lee, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, London
Tanzeem Raza
Jared Charlton-Webb, Medical Student, Swansea
Aman Jain, Doctor, Glasgow
Shamimul haque medical doctor
Abeer Rizvi, Doctor, Dartford
Zohra Taousi, Consultant Psychiatrist, Hertfordshire
Sabeen ghause GP dewsbury
Humna Iqbal, Medical Student, London
Viyaasan Mahalingasivam, Doctor, London
David Owens, Retired Consultant Psychiatrist, Leeds
Izhar Ahmad
Dr Talal Khan General Practitioner
Yasmin Alsoud F1 Doctor Birmingham
Dr Nabila Rehnnuma, Junior Doctor, Leeds
Mohammed Ejaz Faizur Rahman, Cardiology registrar, Sheffield
Ranjini M. Krishnan, Physician, Bellevue
Sobia Ahmad, Physician, Norman, Ok. USA
Shahina Ahmed Ophthalmologist Swindon
Aisha Nikhat
M Hayder Hassan, Consultant Emergency Medicine & Clinical Director for Trauma, London& Trauma
Mohammad Abu Watfa,Consultant, London
Dr Ramanjeet Singh Arora, GP, Swindon
Doctor manish hegde swindon
Dr Syeda Fakiha Mehreen, Hyderabad,  India
Safa Kaftan, Emergency Medicine Specialist, Skegness
Rabia Touqeer.SHO ,Manchester
Dr Zaiad Alansari surgeon Manchester
Fahima Shakir , salaried Gp , chesterfield
Ane Bailey, doctor, Bristol
Amina Rawat, Psychiatrist, London
Dr Susan Cross, Doctor, London
Dr Rahat Maitland, Consultant Endocrinologist, Glasgow UK
Jazmin Habbab, Emergency Medical Technician, New Jersey
Mohammad ijaz, doctor, Manchester
Dr Marcel Bischoff, medical editor, Berlin
Mohamed Abdelaziz, Oncology Registrar, Plymouth, UK
Dr Eileen Palmer retired consultant palliative medicine Leeds
Dr Omar Sabri, surgeon, London
Dr Tim Sowton Retired GP & GP Training Program Director Leeds UK

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