Mindfulness for Stress course with LSMP/ The Light and Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative. 
We are offering two 8 week courses on Friday mornings in October 2024 and January 2025 (2025 dates tbc)
What:   An 8 week Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress program.
Who:    Aimed at people registered with Leeds Student Medical Practice or The Light Surgery - other enquiries are also welcome.
Where:The course is at Carlton Hill Quaker Meeting House,  188 Woodhouse Ln., Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9DX
WhenBegins Friday 18th October 2024 10.30am-1:00pm, with a 'taster' session Friday 4th October 10.30am-1:00pm
Booking is essential for this course.

Many students and younger adults living in Leeds deal with complex situations which affect their mental health and wellbeing. We  recognise that there are many other factors such as being away from home or country and familiar support structures or having multiple health issues, that make managing mental health more difficult. This program welcomes students and others with complex mental health, particularly those who are neurodiverse, have a disability and students who belong to the LGBTQ+ community as we understand the impact of additional stressors on mental wellbeing. 

On our free 8-week Mindfulness for Stress course we teach skills and tools to support mental health and wellbeing. Mindfulness can help people regain perspective, manage overthinking and feel in control of their life. We share mindfulness practices and activities, explore ideas about how the mind works, learn short meditation practices and have space for discussion. At the end of this 8-week course participants will have a strong foundation in mindfulness and compassion and know how to apply them in their life. The course will be led by two experienced teachers from Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative.

We invite people to self-refer or they can be referred by other organisations, by completing the form below. 
The information will only be used in line with Leeds Mindfulness Cooperative's Privacy Policy and Safeguarding Policy and not used for any other purpose without consent. 

If you would prefer to talk to us in person or if you have any questions about the course please email us at info@mindfulnesscoop.co.uk and ask us to call you.

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