DePaul SCA Student Concerns Survey
The DePaul Cinema Collaborative (DCC) is sending this form out in order to get a sense of how DePaul's Film & TV students are feeling about our school's current situation. Please use this form to voice your questions and concerns moving into Spring quarter. Feel free to share any and all of your thoughts, even if you think they only apply to your situation. The ultimate goal for this survey is to collect the concerns students have and consolidate them into a list of questions to ask our school's administration and faculty at the upcoming online DCC meeting.This survey will remain active until noon this upcoming Wednesday, April 1st.

*** Feel free to remain anonymous!
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What year are you in school? *
What is your major/concentration? *
Broadly, what are your questions/concerns about? *
What are your questions/concerns more specifically? Feel free to be specific. *
How do you think these questions/concerns can be addressed by our administration and faculty? Do any solutions come to mind? *
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