Volunteer Registration Form

By completing the volunteer registration form, I hereby state that if accepted as a volunteer, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Smashing Barriers. I understand that I will attend an orientation session and communicate with staff regularly while serving as a volunteer. I am willing to commit to the times that I sign up to volunteer.

I have not been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor classified as an offense against a person or family, of public indecency, or a violation involving a state or federally controlled substance. I am not under current indictment. I give permission for staff to conduct a criminal background check as part of the screening for entrance into the program. I will follow all Smashing Barriers policies including, but not limited to, working with youth, attendance, communication, and behavioral. 

Further, I hereby fully release, discharge and hold harmless Smashing Barriers participating organizations and all of the foregoing employees, officers, directors, and coordinators from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, costs and expenses which may be or may at any time hereafter become attributable to my participation in Smashing Barriers

I understand that the program staff reserves the right to terminate a volunteer from the program. I certify that all statements in this application are true and accurate.

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