Digital UPLIFT - register your interest
Thank you for your interest in the Digital UPLIFT programme. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the local tech/digital sector and careers, which you can complete at a time that suits you and that can fit around your existing commitments. This form will capture a few details so that we are able to contact you to sign you up for the programme.

PLEASE NOTE: Our February course is now fully booked, but we are still taking applications for our Autumn course, which starts on the 25th of Sept. If you don't need any more information and are interested in booking right away, please use this form instead.


Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
Your contact phone number
How did you hear about our digitalUPLIFT course? You may select more than one option. 
Are you currently working? 
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What would you like to achieve by participating in the digital UPLIFT programme? Please tick all that apply. 
Do you need any support to be able to successfully participate and complete this programme?
Whilst the programme is mainly online, there will also be opportunities for in-person workshops and meeting local employers.  Would you be able to attend these events in Truro?
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For in-person events, lunch will be provided.  Please detail any dietary requirements below.
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