CoNLL 2021 Area Chairs: expression of interest
The CoNLL 2021 program chairs, Arianna Bisazza and Omri Abend, are soliciting expressions of interest from individuals who would like to serve as Area Chairs for the conference. Area Chairs will help recruit reviewers, coordinate the reviewing process, and create a diverse and high-quality program consistent with the scope of the conference. The main focus of CoNLL 2021 is on theoretically, cognitively and scientifically motivated approaches to computational linguistics.

Both experienced area chairs and people without such experience, but with significant experience reviewing for computational linguistics conferences, are welcome to fill out the form.

Approximate timeline: (the first CfP will be published soon)

- June, 14, 2021: paper submission deadline
- Early July 2021: assignment of reviewers to papers
- End of July 2021: gather all reviews
- August 2021: discussion and decision period
- End of August, 2021: Notification of acceptance
- November 10-11, 2021: The conference

If you are willing to be considered, please fill out this form by March 16, 2021.

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What, if any, is your previous experience as Area or Program Chair? *
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