Genesis 3
Read the chapter and answer the following questions. 
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What is the serpent/snake in verse 1 symbolizing? Do you think it is just some random snake, or is it perhaps an enemy of God? 
Look at the question in verse 1. God said that Adam and Eve shall not eat of any tree in the garden. Is this True or False?
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What tree is the serpent tempting Adam and Eve to eat from? 
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What do you think the serpent is trying to do? 
When the serpent speaks, does it speak to the man or the woman?
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In verse 5, the serpent says that if they eat of the fruit, their eyes will be opened, and they will become like God, knowing good from evil. Isn't it good to know the difference between good and evil? If so, then why can't Adam and Eve eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
According to verse 6, where was Adam when Eve eventually did eat of the fruit? 
As soon as they ate of the fruit, Adam and Eve knew that they were naked. What do you think this means? How did they not know that they were naked until they ate of the fruit? 
In verse 8, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God when he came to walk in the garden. Why do you think they were afraid? 
When God walks in the garden, is it the man or the women that he addresses first? 
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Do you realise how God comes to the man while Satin comes to the women? Men are to be the leaders in the family and at church. Men don't have more value than women, but God has chosen them to be the leaders and the overseers. If God chose men to be leaders, men are the ones who should be dealing with enemies. I just want you to notice how the serpent approaches the women first, and disrupts God's plan for men to be leaders. (Note: you don't have to answer, I just wanted you to note this detail).
What does Adam do when God asks him if he has eaten of the tree that he was told not to eat of? (Hint: check verse 12.)
After addressing the man, God then addresses the woman. What does the woman say when God asks her what she did? 
Both Adam and Eve broke God's one rule, and when he asks them why, they both blame someone else. Blame is what we do when we get prideful about something we did. Have you ever tried to blame someone for something you did? If so, what should you have done instead of giving blame? 
Read verse 15. When it says, "He will bruise your head, and you will bruise your heel," who do you think this is talking about? Who will bruise the serpents head?
In verse 24, it says that God placed a cherubim at the edge of the garden. Why did God put the cherubim there? (Note: Cherubim=and angelic sentry).
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Because Adam and Eve sinned, all mankind is born into sin. Sin made a lot of things harder, and it ruined a lot of what God created. For example, because of sin, it is very painful for a woman to give birth. Name one thing in your life that has gotten worse or more difficult because of sin. 
Are there any other thoughts or questions that you have about Genesis 3?
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