Ocean Literacy Series - Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean
Organized by the Ocean Literacy Task Team and Ocean Literacy Hub Asia of the ECOP Programme

The ECOP Programme is an endorsed programme of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development with the mission to support Early Career Ocean Professionals in their capacity development and work by providing meaningful networking, training, professional development, funding opportunities and creating capacity for cooperation and knowledge exchange.

The ECOP Programme Ocean Literacy Task Team and Ocean Literacy Hub Asia are launching an online campaign to gather information and materials on efficient, successful, and innovative practices in Ocean Literacy around the world. Ocean Literacy, in the context of this project, encompasses all educational activities (whether formal or non-formal) that aim to promote a better understanding of humanity’s relationship with the ocean.
We especially encourage applications from regions that are usually underrepresented in the global Ocean Literacy discussions.

After the initial screening of the entries, relevant projects will be contacted for more in-depth interviews to gather more information and materials (recorded video, pictures, quotes, etc).
The findings from this campaign will be used to showcase successful stories, exemplary practices and ideas promoting Ocean Literacy. They will be shared on various social media channels of the ECOP Programme and at the Ocean Literacy focused satellite events of the international conferences, such as the UN Ocean Decade Conference on 10-12 April 2024 in Barcelona, Spain, and the 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference in conjunction with the 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference on 22-25 April 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. These online and in-person platforms will thus create a space for stakeholders worldwide to connect, learn and inspire each other.

We will be receiving entries until February 7th 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Karina Higa, Co-lead of the ECOP Programme Ocean Literacy Task Team karina.higa@unimib.it.
Email *
The UN Ocean Decade Challenge 10: Change Humanity's relationship with the ocean
Your Name *
Institution Name *
Project/initiative name (if applicable)
Is your initiative still active?
For how long has it been active/did it last?
Who is the target audience of your initiative/project?
Please provide a description of the project and/or link to the website
How does your initiative address UN Ocean Decade Challenge number 10 “Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean”? (2-3 sentences maximum)
What impact did you make so far? (Please provide some key numbers/goals that you reached)
Can we contact you or another member of your team for an interview and/or to gather more information and materials about your initiative?
Key contact name:
Email address:
Do you have another initiative to share with us? (Name, website, contact info...)
Do you agree for your initiative to be showcased in the ECOP Program social media channels and during ocean literacy events?
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