Job Application

What is Wevise?

Wevise is a US-based nonprofit founded in 2022. Our mission is to make careers in the technology industry more attainable through equitable access to mentorship, education, and career opportunities. We’re a team of committed volunteers from diverse backgrounds who are passionate about leveling the playing field in tech (and beyond).

We're currently building a free, on-demand mentoring platform that will allow anyone to access free mentorship in tech with ease. This platform is open to all, with ways for underserved students to reach mentors who have overcome the same hurdles they are struggling with.

We are building a volunteer team, including a board, marketing and outreach, technical, and operations.

This is not a paid position. This is a volunteer opportunity to work with a talented and passionate team of professionals with a sense of purpose.


Please read over the full job descriptions before applying. You may select more than one role if you'd like.

Open Positions

Board positions: currently looking for treasurer! Please apply here.

CTO (Chief Technology Officer)

UX/UI Designer

Chief Program Officer

Full-Stack Developer

Graphic Designer

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Email *
What role(s) are you interested in? *
About you
Full name *
Preferred pronouns *
You must volunteer a minimum of 5hr/week. We know that sometimes things come up; we just ask that you stay as consistent as possible with and transparent about your availability!
How many hours can you commit to each week? The minimum is 5 hours per week.
What is your estimated length of commitment? Most positions have a minimum requirement of 6 months.
Are you okay with this being an unpaid role? *
Anything you'd like to tell us about your level of commitment or amount of time you can commit?
Why you?
Why do you want to volunteer at Wevise? *
What are your credentials and skills relating to the desired position? *
How many years of experience do you have? *
Education/work experience
What experience do you have that would make you a good fit for this position? Please also provide your LinkedIn profile link, if available.
Other work portfolio, if available
(personal site, github, resume, etc)
When are you available to meet? Please provide some days/times or an event scheduling link such as Calendly! *
Anything else we should know about you?
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