Meeting in Finland 2017: Survey for pupils
How did it go in Finland? Answer the questions below, and feel free to give us useful hints for the next meetings!
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1. I got enough information about the meeting (theme, my partner/host, program) before leaving for Soini. *
I agree.
I don't agree.
2. It was possible to get to know my host family/foreign pupil partner before the meeting. *
I agree.
I don't agree.
3. My host pupil took good care of me. / I got on well with my partner. *
I agree.
I don't agree.
4. I was satisfied with my accomodation (visitors only).
I agree.
I don't agree.
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5. The activities were interesting. *
I agree.
I don't agree.
6. Which activities were the most interesting? Why? *
Think about the activities during the school days, not on free time.
7. Which are the most interesting/useful eMaterials for you? *
Teachers and pupils used e.g. the following eMaterials on lessons in Soinin Yhtenäiskoulu. Which of them could improve your learning?
8. Each group had two themes to study: The Water and The Fish. Mark the tasks you did (independently or together with someone) when making up the material on
9. Which one suits your studies better?
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10. Were there any problems during the meeting?
11. What were the best things about the meeting?
12. Hints for the next meetings:
13. I come from *
14. Gender: *
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