Kingsbarns - Local Place Plan Feedback Form
Thanks so much for taking the time to read the Local Place Plan for Kingsbarns. This document is our response to all the fantastic feedback we've received through questionnaires and consultations over the past year and a half.

It has been a long journey to produce this Local Place Plan, however this is just the beginning of the period covered (2025 - 2035) so it is important that you stay engaged and help steer this magical place in a direction that benefits all.

By providing feedback in the comments form below, and continuing to contribute towards the ever evolving plan for the village, you'll continue to play a part in our ultimate objective; making Kingsbarns the best place in the world!
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Please add any comments you would like to make about the Local Place Plan in the box below
I understand that my comments will be included anonymously in the Local Place Plan submitted to Fife Council.
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