Amsterdam: Request for Night Limit Exemption
As of early 2017, Airbnb systems will automatically limit entire home listings in the city of Amsterdam to 60 nights a year, unless the host confirms that they have the required permission to share their space more frequently and successfully goes through the exemption process.  You can find out more about this product change here [].  

You can find out more about responsible hosting in Amsterdam here [].
You may use this form to provide confirmation that you have a valid permission to share your entire space for more than 60 days a year.  Please note that the information you provide on this form may be disclosed to your local authority, other government bodies, regulatory or law enforcement authorities and/or courts.

In order for your listing to be considered for exemption from the 60 night limit you must provide valid information for all required fields. Failure to do so will invalidate your request.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Airbnb profile URL (e.g. *
Listing URL (e.g. *
If you have more than one listing on Airbnb in relation to which you would like to make an exemption request, please note that you will need to  complete a separate form for each listing.
On what basis do you confirm that you have the required permission to share the entire space at the above listing address for more than 60 days a year? *
The City of Amsterdam explains its bed & breakfast policy on this page []. The City explicitly states that a bed & breakfast is a part of an entire home, it is not an entire home. Also, a notification of a bed & breakfast with the City does not equal an authorization from the City. The City can carry out inspections at all times to ascertain that you follow the rules. If you have questions about the City's policy, please reach out to the City.
For professional hosts with multiple listings, check box to apply this same exemption claim to ALL listings on this user account.
By clicking I Agree, you certify that all of the information you have provided on this form is accurate and you further certify that you have all necessary permissions to share the entire space at the listing address for more than 60 nights per calendar year.  You understand and accept the terms of Airbnb Ireland UC's Privacy Policy and you further provide express consent to Airbnb Ireland UC to disclose any and all of the information you have provided on this form, and your listing address, to your local authority, other government bodies, regulatory or law enforcement authorities and/or courts.   *
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