Housing Support Screening for Services Form
Screening Form is used to screen for specific housing barriers and vulnerabilities. To assist with finding available resources to meet the needs of individuals and/or families in Mohave County  that are in a housing crisis.
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Phone Number
First and Last Name
Date of Birth
Please list other Adults and Children in Household and ages of household members (if none write none in the box)
Household income Sources
Monthly Household Income
Household Characteristics (please check if any apply to yourself or anyone in household) *
House Characteristics (please check if any pertain to you our anyone in household)
Provide information on any of the above * that you checked (charges, dates, and where, if none write none in your answer)
Household Service Need
If *other please describe
How long in Mohave County?
If less than 90 days in Mohave County, where was the last City and State you resided?
Optional: Briefly describe the issue causing you to seek assistance
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