SoilBON field record metadata
Please answer the following questions to provide us the meta data of your SoilBON sample
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1/14 - Sampling Date (the date the samples were taken, in the format DD.MM.YYYY) *
2/14 - Sample ID (the ID written on the outside of the parcel, e.g. US001) *
3/14 - Sample collector (your name) *
4/14 - Site name (the common name of the site you were sampling at) *
5/14 - Latitude (the latitude of the location where you sampled) *
6/14 - Longitude (the longitude of the location where you sampled) *
7/14 - Is the site in a conservation area? *
8/14 - Habitat type/biome
9/14 - Dominant plant species
10/14 - Bare soil cover (%)
11/14 - Vegetation cover (%)
12/14 - Specify the drying method you used
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13/14 - Principal Investigator (your PI's name)
14/14 - Your Institution (e.g. "Leipzig University" or "Federal Forestry Office")
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