Post On Line Training Evaluation (KENE)
(KLMA-G-01B: ISM/”K” Line Quality and Safety Management System - KENE)
Instructions: Listed below are the different factors which would have affected the learning process. We would like to get your opinion regarding your experience with us by clicking the button, which correspond to your opinion in this 4–point scale.
1 = Marginal / Needs improvement / Poor
2 = Satisfactory / Good
3 = Very Satisfactory / Very Good
4 = Excellent / Outstanding / Exemplary
Name of Online Instructor / Facilitator *
1. Before the course: What is your opinion on the overall pre-training preparation e.g. notices and instructions on how to take part in the course? *
2. Course structure and Content: What is your opinion on the  course sequence and flow, including the quality of contents? *
3. Delivery: How would you rate the overall course delivery? *
4. Technical issues: What is your opinion regarding the management of IT related issues such as bugs, dead links, streaming speed, and the overall performance of the on line platform (Microsoft Teams / Zoom)? *
5. Learning experience: What is your opinion about your acquisition of knowledge after taking the course? *
6. Instructor /  Facilitator: How would you rate the overall performance of the trainer? *
7. Training outcome:  Can you describe how successful the course outcome was compared to your expectations? *
8. Please give your comments / recommendations / suggestions to improve the delivery of the training service. *
Name (Optional)
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