The purpose of this form is to document any arts education iniquities in the state of Maryland. In Maryland, all public school students are entitled to arts education in dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. Please complete this form if you have concerns about arts education access in your school/community. AEMS will use this evidence to inform our advocacy efforts. AEMS can also provide strategies and support to folks interested in a follow up.
Examples of arts education incidents may include:
- Canceled arts classes
- Schedules or significant scheduling changes that make it difficult for students to participate in arts courses or activities
- Students in specialized programs (ex: ELL) being unable to participate in arts classes due to program requirements or special scheduling requirements
- Arts teachers being reassigned to other subjects without replacement
- Arts teacher positions being eliminated from the school
- A decrease in the amount of art teachers in a particular school or LEA (district)
- Inadequate materials, supplies, or resources for school classes pertaining to the arts
- Other courses prioritized over arts courses
- Arts classes being combined, resulting in larger than intended class sizes