WaterTalks Pre-Meeting Checklist
for the Watershed Coalition of Ventura County IRWM
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Toolkit Number *
Please select the community toolkit that your event is targeting.
Additional Toolkit Translation
Please indicate if you would like the toolkit translated in a language besides English.
Poster Request (up to 3)
You may select up to 3 pages from the Toolkit to be provided as large-format posters (24 x 36 inches). Please select the desired items below.
Additional Poster Language(s)
Please indicate if you would like the posters translated into a language besides English.
Will you require a sign-language (American) interpreter?
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Name of Your Organization *
Event Facilitator Contact Name *
Event Facilitator Contact Email *
Event Facilitator Phone
Event Name *
Location (Venue)
Location (Address)
Date *
Time *
Event Type
Clear selection
Outreach Efforts (select all that apply)
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your event? (optional)
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