Questionnaire for identification of learning areas of orienteering event organization
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What competencies do you think are necessary for running your orienteering clubs? *
Do you consider it necessary to develop your own organization? *
In which area is there a need/lack of human resources, is special expertise required? *
Can this be solved with trainings? *
In which areas is the knowledge of those who have previously completed competition referee training out of date? *
What are the areas for which there is special training required in addition to basic competition judge training? In which areas is a practical training needed? *
To what extent did the trainings of previous years affect/cover these areas? *
What form would you consider suitable for each area? *
course with presence
practical training
course setting
IT, working with SportIdent
Secretary of an event
financial issues
event marketing
how to involve volunteers
Where do you think supporting material or training material is necessary? *
Would you be able to participate in the development of such training materials? *

If yes, on which field?

Have you found good foreign examples and good practices for this? *
Would you participate in such competition referee training or practical training? *

If yes, in which field?

What period, location, forum would you consider suitable for this? (Optimal time and optimal place or surface.)
Do you consider it necessary to refresh the knowledge after some time? *
Thank you for your cooperation!
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