- EVS Mojo de Caña -
Project coorindated by  https://www.xn--mojodecaa-s6a.org/  - island of La Palma - 1.7.2018.-1.5.2019.

If you speak Spanish ,please answer the questions on Spanish. Having in mind the peculiarity of this project, where volunteers are expected to spend 10 months living in an outermost region of UE, in a rural area, basic level of Spanish will be recommended. The project will start in July 2018 till the end of May 2019.
Please take a moment to answer the form. Be honest and try to answer all the questions. Have in mind that we truly value your motivation and initiative, considering it to be essential for successful EVS project. Previous volunteer experience will be taken into consideration , or any other educational experience. Many questions have multiply answer options, so have it in mind. You will find them pretty unusual. That is cause we would like to get to know you more personally, and our current volunteers have chosen them.

We do not use Facebook, Skype or Whatsapp for communication with the candidates.

Main Tasks:
With an aim to make concept of Europe closer to a local youth generations. lt is very important that the
volunteers are dynamic, outgoing and know empathize with young people to engage in activities that we
offer. Also, create new activities, such as conducting a weekly radio program, talking They could make the
township cultural tours for youth groups i.e. We will adjust each project according to a capacities and
interest of each volunteer.
- Revitalize the Youth information Centre: Create a program to streamline the ICJ in the afternoon, when
most young people are coming.
-Cultural Week in High Schools : They would be the ambassadors, accompanying monitors to classrooms
with their respective groups. They could offer a short presentation, explaining how is their country, their
culture, etc ..
- Summer Festival (Festival which takes place outdoors to celebrate the end of summer in the coastal area
of the municipality, where several! activities, such as concerts, workshops, exhibitions, fairs, etc .. )
- Help in the management and development of the local events are only some of the tasks, since we are
counting on proposals from volunteers also
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Name and surname
Date of birth
City and country
Phone number
Name and contact of sending organization
Allergy, intolerance, disability...
Driving licence
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Use IT ad Internet
Choose 3 personality characteristic that would describe you the most:
Work and/or volunteering experience
Work and/or volunteering experience
Work and/or volunteering experience
Why are you interested in this project ,specifically ? What was it that attracted you?
Would this be your first experience of living abroad and on your own?
Pros and cons of living in a small isolated island (and in rural area ) :
What are the pros and cons of doing the same project, but in your home town?  
Which fameous person would you invite to a dinner? (living, dead, fictional or real person )
In which period of time would you want to live? (past present, future- details)
WHAT is the most important in this universe?
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