When you are ready, join Dayna Grace & Dayna Whitney in Divine Ethereal Beings Community for an informative and enlightening conversation.
What is currently included in your monthly subscription with the community is listed below
Currently using zoom link every Wednesday night at 7pm mst for the following
- 1 monthly 60 min Q&A / live readings
- 2 monthly 60 min channeling session with the Zahara and Sirian Collectives
- 1 monthly live meditation - guided or creating sacred space to sit with us in
Connecting with others in this sacred space to ask questions and grow a community of like minded people.
We are always open to hearing about what would serve you best!
Zoom link will be pinned in post in the Facebook Community for the lives every wednesday
Monthly payment of $40 or 1 annual payment $400
You may cancel your monthly subscription at any time