Bass n Babes is looking for queer-owned small businesses who are ready to get spooky with us at our next event Aliens vs Cowbabes on Oct 31 Halloween. This event will take place in Burbank on Thurs 10/31 from 9pm - 3am.

Please keep in mind this is an application and completing the form does not guarantee you a spot to vend. Bass n Babes will reach out to you via Instagram to offer you a space to vend. You must pay the vendor fee of $60 within five days of the offer to confirm your spot. Fee can be paid via venmo @babykushproductions or zelle 607-793-6004.

Please reach out to @bass.n.babes with any questions.
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Email *
Name & pronouns *
Business Name *
Social Media @ *
Describe your business! *
What do you sell?
What is the price range of your products? *
Do you identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community? *
Do you identify as part of the BIPOC community? *
Do you require electricity? *
I understand the dimensions of each vendor spot is 8x6 and I must fit inside this booth size. I understand I must provide my own table, chairs, and lighting (AND EXTENSION CORDS, but battery operated lights are preferred)
By submitting this form, I understand that I must pay the vendor fee of $60 to lock in my spot within five days of receiving an offer from Bass n Babes or my spot may be given to someone else; bring my own table and chairs, and follow instructions provided to me by Bass n Babes. I also understand I am signing up for the entire duration of the time slot (9pm - 3:00am).

Vending fee of $60 can be payable via venmo @babykushproductions or zelle 607-793-6004 (Abby Cooper). Thank you!
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