Class-7,Perimeter and Area
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Q1) The area of a rectangular sheet is 500 square cm. If the length of the sheet is 25 cm, what is its width? *
1 point
Q2) The area of a parallelogram is *
1 point
Q3) Which of the following has the formula : Base × Height *
1 point
Q4) A door frame of dimensions 4 m× 5 m is fixed on the wall of dimension 11 m ×11 m. Find the total labour charges for painting the wall if the labour charges for painting 1m2 of the wall is Rs 2.50. *
1 point
Q5) What is the circumference of a circle of diameter 10cm? *
1 point
Q6) If the area of rectangle increases from 2 cm² to 4 cm²  the perimeter will *
1 point
Q7) The area of a square whose perimeter is 4 m *
1 point
Q8) Which figure encloses more area : a square of side 2 cm ; a rectangle of side 3 cm and 2 cm *
1 point
Q9) The area of a rectangle whose length is 15 cm and breadth is 6cm is *
1 point
Q10) △ABC is an isosceles in which AE ⊥ BC, AE = 6 cm , BC = 9 cm, the area of △ABC is *
1 point
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